chapter 9 😦

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(A/n: eyebrowless emoji HAHAH my bias in gfriend is the main line 💖)

eunha pov

"Heyyy we're bacckkkk!" Umji said while walking in the living room with yuju.

"Wheres sinb?" Yerin asked.

"she has night shift till tuesday since she is bts sunbaenim's doctor" yuju explained while sinking herself onto the couch.

"omo, i heard about their accident! Is jung- are they okay?!" I asked with full concern.

"yes eunha eonnie, for your information, jungkook's well as the rest of the members. Sinb took good care of them all" umji said as she sighed.

We then wished each other goodnight and went to our respective rooms. Umji went to sleep with sowon and yerin eonnie since sinb is not coming back home till tuesday.

" do know very well who jungkook likes dont you?" Yuju asked as she went to the toilet to change into her mightwear.

"ne...he likes sinb.." i sighed sadly.

"Uhuh and why are you always trying to gain his attention?" yuju asked.

"well...i just cant resist him.." i said while throwing my body to my bed.

"Since now sehun left sinb...jungkook will do whatever it takes to be with sinb." yuju said as she sat on her bed.

"yuju-ah..w-what do you think of mingyu?" i asked.

"he's great i guess? I heard from dokyeom that he likes you alot.." she replied.

"then its set..i finally know my feelings." I said.

"What?" Yuju asked with wide eyes.

"i, treat jungkook as an eyecandy...and mingyu as someone i really really like. His personality, his looks, his smile, oohhh!! " i squealed.

Yuju laughed and we both fall asleep.

-in doldam hospital-

sinb pov

I was doing my last round in the ER and its 12.40am already. Okay great.

"Nurse Jung, im the only doctor here..dr song left already so if theres anything, just page me..i'll be in private ward 2." I said.

"Arasso, rest well dr eunbi" she said and i went to my locker to grab some clothes to change in.

I changed into my blue stussy hoodie with black leggings. I grab my doctor coat just incase along with my phone. I still wore my round spects and i head to private ward 2, where bangtan sunbaenim is there. I slowly opened the door and went in after getting permission from their manager. He recognised me already so heh. I turn on the nightlight and went to check their condition. Jungkook is the last person.

He look uncomfortable. He is having cold sweats. Fever?

"jungkook? are you okay?" I tapped his arm to wake him up.

"s-sinb..? i-im cold.." he shivered.

"wait for me, i take medications for you okay?"i told him.

I took a step and he grabbed my wrist.

"Ani, let my hyungs rest..treat me outside the room." He said.

I then grabbed a wheelchair in the room and helped him to sit on it. His long light brown-blonde fringed covered his eyebrows and he swung is head to push it aside. God my heart is beating so fast. I then pushed the wheelchair out of the room.

"Sinb? Where are you bringing jungkook?" Their manager asked.

"He is having fever..i'll be treating him at the rooftop." I answered.

"Dont worry, i'll bring him back safely :)" i assured him and he gave me a slight smile.

I went brought him to the ER for a while and grabbed a packet of saline and injection materials. Then we went to the rooftop.

"Here wear my hoodie," i said. I wore a black basic tshirt inside so its fine. My blue stussy hoodie is oversized so it should fit jungkook.

"gomawo..i have one of these too by the way..i love this brand" he said.

"i know😂 our fans edited our pictures wearing stussy outfits together.."i said softly.

"they shipped us right?😂 sinkook haha" he chuckled showing his bunny teeth. cute. Wait wait what. Stop sinb. He belongs to eunha eonnie.

I sat down and i put his head on my lap.

"you can take the pain right? I need to inject this tube in your arm" i asked him.

He nodded and i injected the tube of saline into his arm. I also grabbed a towel just now. Luckily theres a vending machine here at the rooftop. I bought a cold mineral water. I then wet the towel with the cold water. I then folded it into a rectangular shape and put it on his forehead.

"There :)" i said.

I let him lay down on the bench and i sat on the floor, holding the bag of 250ml saline.

"Sinb-ya.. i miss hanging out with you.." he muttered.

"Me too kookie.." i sighed.

"by the way...are you okay? about sehun and irene.." he said.

I nodded while looking down. I then was reminded of what sehun told me. I cried silently.

"Sinb?" He called me.

I just kept sobbing.

He then patted my head.

" here...your kookie is here okay?" he rubbed my left cheek.

jungkook pov

Seeing her cry infront of me was heartbreaking. She rarely cry. She is sinb oppa in front of her fans, but in reality..she is just a normal girl who has feelings too. She is not a cold idol. She is warmhearted..she cares for her friends, family and fans. She is kind and loving. This made me like her even more..

Chapter 9!!!! Awww :')  i'll try to finish this book as fast as possible since my exams are coming at the start of october. After my exams, which is around 13 october, maybeeee i'll make another book :) hehe ok bye! :>

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