chapter 25 🍔

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(A/n: taehyung looks amaaazin' 😩)

author pov

Sinb then went to her bag that she brought from her dorm and took out two black masks. One for jungkook and one for her. She grabbed her wallet and phone while jungkook carried somi and followed her behind.

"we need to be careful sinb.." jungkook said.

"Yea i know what im doing." She said.

" jungkook and somi will be going to the mart!" Sinb shouted.

"Okay be careful! Dont get caught by the paparazzis!" Her mum shouted from the kitchen.

"Jungkook sweetie! Take good care of the girls okay!" Mrs jeon said.

Jungkook just facepalmed and just went out of the house. The three of them wore their shoes. Jungkook kneeled down and helped somi with her shoes.

"There" he said as he stood up.

"Sinb eonnie..can you carry me?" Somi asked sinb with her puppy dog eyes.

Sinb smiled and carried her.

"Aish somi-ya..sinb eonnie will get tired..i can carry you" jungkook said.

"Gwaenchana jungkook :) she's not heavy at all" sinb said. The three of them then walked to the mart. Sinb took a few kimchi and some ice cream for somi. Then she thought, "wait..jungkook too.. i dont need it anyways"

She then grabbed an ice cream for jungkook too. Then she paid for it.

" your ice cream :)" she gave it to somi.

"jungkook..uhmm..h-here" sinb got nervous. Jungkook looked at the ice cream and back at sinb.

"wheres yours?" He asked.

"I dont need it" sinb said.

"You sure?" He asked.

Sinb nodded and he grabbed the ice cream from her hand.

sinb pov

Jungkook piggybacked somi while the both of them enjoyed the ice cream. I was walking and looking around the neighbourhood when jungkook stopped in front of me. He pulled down my mask and put the ice cream to my mouth. It smashed to my lips causing my mouth to be covered in ice cream. He then burst out laughing. I glared at him.

"Come i'll clean you up." He said as he held my hand and dragged me to an old playground where nobody uses it. It was empty.

"Somi..go and play for a while..i'll help sinb eonnie" jungkook said and somi ran to the playground.

We sat on a bench nearby. He took out a tissue. I was focusing on watching somi so that she wont get hurt or what. Then my lips was attached to jungkook's. He kissed all the parts of my mouth that has ice cream on it. Then he pulled off and lick his lips.

"Wow.. 😏 the ice cream on your lips tastes better princess hwang" jungkook said in his husky voice.

I immediately wiped my mouth using the tissue that jungkook was holding. Then i glared at him and i walk towards somi.

"Somi-ya..kaja..we should go home now :)" i said. She then ran towards me and held my hand. Jungkook followed us behind.

We then reach my house not long later.

"Ah good sweetie you're home. Put the kimchi on a plate and join us for lunch okay..oh jungkook and somi come and seat :)" eomma said. I went to the kitchen to grab a plate and put the kimchi on it. I then went to the dining room and placed the plate of kimchi on the table. I realised, there wasnt anymore seats.

"oh..aish eunbi doesnt have any seats.." mrs jeon said.

"Its okay..really :) i can eat somewhere else :)" i said. I grab a bowl and put all the food that i wanna eat inside the bowl. I then head out to the backyard. And YES I HAVE A DOG. Her name is mango because she look exactly like mango. The fluffy-ness and the hairs covering the eyes.

"Mango-yaaa" i called out.

The dog looked out of her small house and swayed her fluffy butt side to side as she wan

"Rrrff rrrf!" She bark happily.

"I miss you, you dumbdumb 😂" i said and ruffled her hair.

"You want some?" I asked.

Mango sat down and sticked out her tongue. I gave her the meat of the chicken and she ate it well.

"Good girl!" I rubbed my nose against hers.

Suddenly, mango growled as i eat.

"Mango why?" I asked as i turn behind.

"Oh jungkook-"

"RRRF RRF!!" Mango barked loudly.

"Mango! Shhhh its fine :) jungkook is my friend :)" i said and patted her.

She calmed down abit and settle down on my lap. Jungkook sat opposite of me.

"You got a dog?" He asked.

"Yea..her name is mango" i said.

"hello mango! Im jungkookie!" He said and offers to shake hand with mango.

I laughed and helped mango to show her hand and shook hands with jungkook.

"Soo have you ate?" I asked as i ate a spoonful of rice.

"yea i already ate..somi is watching TV in your living room with min hyun hyung...annnnddd here i am bored." He said and i laughed.

I realised mango was sleeping on my lap already. I then carressed her back as she sleep peacefully.

"so sorry.." jungkook muttered.

"why did you do it.." i asked while looking at the sky.

"I dont know.." he said softly.



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