chapter 24 😯

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(A/n: do spray some holy waters in your eyes after seeing the photo ^ AHAHA )

the next morning-

jungkook pov

"kookie sweetie..wake up!" Eomma woke me up.

"eomma.. 10 more minutes" i yawned.

Yes i went back home after coming back from sinb's dorm. She lied. She tricked me. When im seeing her again, i dont know what i'll do. I groaned.

"JEON JEONGGUK!" Eomma shouted as she smacked my thighs.

"YES YES IM UP EOMMA!" I shouted back in shock. (A/n: same. )

"Get ready..we're going to have lunch at my friend's house for a business meeting" she said.

I lazily got up and went to my bathroom to get washed up.

I lazily got up and went to my bathroom to get washed up

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I wore that^ (a/n: without the bag, passport and mask). I styled my black hair like usual. I then head out after grabbing my phone and putting inside my jeans pocket.

"morning jungkook" abeoji said.

"morning abeoji" i said and sat beside him as we both waited for eomma.

"Wheres your sister?" Abeoji asked.

"Probably still in her room getting ready" i said.

sinb pov

it was now 10am. I woke up and got ready since there will be guests coming. I bathed and dried my hair.

I wore that ^ since my formal clothes arent with me

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I wore that ^ since my formal clothes arent with me. I just wore a button up top with black short skirt. (A/n: the hair will be sinb's black hair) I applied light makeup and head down. I ate breakfast that ahjumma made. After that i head back to my room to do vlive for my eonnies. Theyre probably still sleeping now and buddies might be bored soo i shall do live on my own. I was doing live with buddies when eomma called me. Probably the guests have come. It was 1.02pm anyways.

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