chapter 13 😜

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author pov

"OH JIMIN sunbae. show us some of your ballet or contemporary dance moves!" yuju squealed in happiness and clapped.

Yuju is a fan of ballet, ice skating dance and contemporary.

"uhhh i dont knowww" jimin says while smiling shyly.

"Jimin! Jimin! Jimin!" Heechul and hani cheered.

He gave up and got up eventually. The director gave him a chance and put on bts's song, 'spring day'. Jimin danced his part and ended off well. Everyone clapped and yuju was amazed.

"Waaahhhhh okay next, we have the famous husky voice, kim taehyung!" Hani shrieked.

"Real name, Kim Taehyung. Stage name, V. He is a vocalist in his group. He is in the maknae line too. He has acted in the show called 'hwarang'. His blood type is AB which is very rare for people to have. He is also quite close to girl's generation's tiffany but often misunderstood as dating her" heechul read.

"Wahhh tiffany sunbae and taehyung-ssi?" Hani smirked.

They then showed a video that was popular online. Taehyung immediately covered his face, embarrassed.

"Aish jinjja!! Cut this part out mr director!" Taehyung got up from his seat and went towards the director.

The director and other staff just laughed and taehyung went back to his seat pouting in embarrassment.

"Arasso😂, now next, we have the famous Jeon Jungkook!" Hani exclaimed.

"Real name jeon jeongguk. Stage name jungkook. Most people call him kookie. He is the golden member of the group, the lead dancer and main vocal. He is known to be a bunny by his adorable smile. Also, fans called him the international playboy. Most fans ship him with twice's tzuyu and sana, blackpink's lisa, red velvet's yeri and gfriend's eunha, yuju." Heechul read.

sinb pov

Phew. My name wasnt in the ca-rd.

"Oh and sinb too" heechul said.

I froze. I looked over at jungkook who was behind me and back to heechul and hani.

"o-kay. That was awkward. Okay jungkook-ssi.  The one fans named, three of them are here. What do you think of eunha yuju and sinb?" Heechul asked. I cringed and held my face. I took off my flannel and tied it around my waist.

"I'll start with the oldest..i guess?" Jungkook said shyly.

"Me eunha, yuju and sinb including umji are from sopa..but most of the time im with sinb since we're both from the same class. Umji is in a different class. I know eunha likes bunnies but that doesnt mean i like her or in love with her. But eunha is cute and i like her voice. For yuju, ive been dreaming of singing a duet with her. I got a chance last year during the kbs song festival. We sang flying butterfly and got a duet part together. I felt like it was a dream come true. I really love yuju's voice and i think she is a good runner and a dancer for a main vocal. Again, im not in love with yuju or something. Lastly sinb. Ive been with her since she was in BigHit ent as a trainee there. She had to be a trainee somewhere else since bighit didnt want to take in girls." Jungkook said and paused.

"sinb is really pretty and cool. She is always there for me whenever im feeling upset or anything. She isnt a cold idol, she is just being what music companies always emphasise on when you're an idol. "Behave" "do not talk to any male idols" "act more like an idol" although she acts differently from any other girl group member, i think that what makes her always catch my attention. If i would date someone, it would be sinb ofcourse. Even though she cant cook😂, i think it would be memorable if i cook alongside with her" jungkook said.

I felt awkward all of the sudden. My heart was racing.

"Wow, so you like sinb?" Hani asked.

"She is my ideal type :D" jungkook said.

"So tzuyu, sana, lisa and yeri are not on your list?" Heechul asked.

Jungkook just shook his head.

"Okay so we're done with the personal information, now get into your groups. My sinb, jungkook and taehyung. Hani's is eunha jimin and yuju" heechul says.

"So now we are going to do a quick game before we can end work!" Hani says cheerfully.

"It is to test your flexibility!" hani squealed.

"We will form a line. The longest line will win the competition ofcourse" heechul revealed the instructions.

"What do we win?" Yuju asked.

"You'll see later" heechul answered.

Hani's team went first. Hani, jimin and yuju can do splits but eunha cant.

"Wahh! Thats amazing! But eunha-ya😂" heechul cheered and laughed cause of eunha.

Shit. I dont think our group can win.

"Yah. What are you guys good at?" I asked.

"Sinb-ya, we're both your oppa..why are you rude huh😂" taehyung teased.

"im also an oppa" i smirked at him.

"nah, we're both older than aegyo first then we'll tell you what we're good at"jungkook smirked at me.

I stood there with a blank face while staring at jungkook. I glared at him and arm strangled jungkook playfully, causing the camera to zoom in towards our group.

Taehyung just laughed so hard that he couldnt talk and help jungkook who was struggling.

"Ara ara mianhe. Yah sinb. You're so strong🤦🏻‍♂️" jungkook said and i let go.

"Okay! So now its the dongsaeng team's turn!" Hani says.

Heechul splitted his legs first and he was like a mountain. Literally 😂. Then taehyung and then jungkook. I must say that taehyung and jungkook are quite flexible too, better than heechul. They were all groaning in pain, begging me to quickly continue the line. I kept laughing. And laughing.

"YAH SINB!!!!" All three of them shouted in pain.

And i laughed again. I swear if you're in my position, you would definitely laugh. I finally got myself together.

"Wait..sinb cant do splits.." yuju whispered to jimin and eunha.

" we have a chance to win!" Eunha said and they three cheered.

I controlled my anger and went down into a split. Everyone was shocked. I didnt stretched first. Oh god..i know whats gonna happen next.


chapter 13!! Woah sinb can do splits? Actually i dont think she can but she is good with her back. She can do the limbo game in weekly idol😂. AHAHA okay see u on the next chapter!

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