chapter 7 🤣

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(A/n: i miss rough and navillera era :< but issokay the love whisper and summer rain era is great too! But issit just me or like the song 'rainbow' suits the title song instead of summer rain. but heh gfriend hwaiting!)

sinb pov

We all went back to the dorm.

"sinb-ya, what were you and jungkook doing just now?" eunha asked as we were in the van.

"oh he wanted my number since we both lost contact ever since we graduated from sopa" i said.

"is there anything going on between you guys? You and sehun are still together right?" She asked.

"Eonnie, nothings going on between us🤦🏻‍♀️ want him then ofcourse you can have him" i told her.

She just remained quiet and look out at the window. Yuju who is sitting beside manager-nim looked at us both through the mirror infront.

"Eunha...if theres anything going on between her and jungkook..wouldnt she break up with sehun already?" Yuju said assuringly.

"Arasso...but-" eunha got cut off when we already reached.

It was already 11.30pm.

We three got into our dorm. I went to my room, some clothes and went to the bathroom to bathe. Once im done, i brushed my hair, wore the basic black tee with grey tights. I head out and checked the time. Oh its 12am already. I peeked outside and all the eonnies are watching a horror movie outside. Uhgh no no im not gonna join them. Im going to wait for sehun with umji.

I closed the door and heard a knock on the window.

"Sinb..your sehun is here" umji said as she opened the window for him to enter.

I locked the door and ran to him.

"Awww did my princess miss me that much" he said and ruffled my hair

"Ohmy sinb, sehun." Umji rolled her eyes.

I intertwined his fingers with mine and we three sat down. I grabbed a small table so that he can put the food on that. He bought gimbaps, kimchi fried rice, a few pizza slices. And three bottled sodas.

"Oh dont mind the pizza. Chen hyung ordered it and i stole three slices for each of us😅" he said as he rubbed the back of his head.

"Wah gomawo sehun oppa!" Umji said and eat.

"gomawo sehunnnieee" i hugged him sideways and we both eat.

We eat, talked and have fun. But i could sense that something was wrong. He felt awkward reacting to my hugs. What happen to the old sehun? He calls me only once a week. Usually he would literally call me everyday.

Then my phone beeped. I checked it and it was from seulgi.

hotseulgi 💞: sinbbbb are you with sehun right now?

me: uh yeah as per usual?

hotseulgi 💞: pls sinb..i dont want you to get hurt. I hope you are fine..

me: what? what happen? Is something going to happen to me?

hotseulgi 💞: wait he didnt tell you anything?

me: no?

hotseulgi 💞: im in no position to tell you the reason but i hope you are fine if he tells you something

me: uhh..okay..

hotseulgi 💞: okay goodnight beagle..i'll be here with you always and love you sinbabe❤️❤️

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