chapter 26 🐼

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(A/n: my exams starts tdy BUT IM NOT EVEN DONE WITH REVISING, FINISHING THIS BOOK BECAUSE IM TOO STRESSED OUT WITH MY NOTES +art (yes i took art) and its really a pain in the ass. Ohmygodddddd. I wish i can clone myself. 😭 sometimes i just give up on studying and just want to write a new chapter for yall. When can i be free. Ok done back to the story)

author pov

"What do you mean by you dont know jungkook." Sinb asked.

"I really did..not expect anything like that. Eunseo just came and she wanted to visit you and yerin noona. And then we decided to go to the rooftop while waiting for you. And then we talked about life and suddenly boom. She kissed me. I didnt kiss her back at first. She pulled off and say that she had feelings for me since we were in sopa. Then she leaned in for a kiss again. Then i dont know what happen. But i kinda imagined that it was you..i imagined that i was kissing you.. " jungkook explained.

Sinb was unable to say anything. She was shocked.

"uhuh.." she muttered.

"So yeah thats how it happened" jungkook explained feeling relieved.

"You know jungkook, i-was thinking of accepting you. But. I thought about eunha eonnie, i thought about all my other friends who liked you. I didnt want to hurt any of them. Especially eunha. She is already like a sister to me. 12 years knowing her. I was really thinking of choosing you but hmm..after that incident. No..i dont think i can" sinb said biting her lip.

sinb looked at the time in her phone. 6pm.

"JINJJA IM LATE." Sinb shouted causing mango to jump alittle.

Mango went back to her small house (a/n: i wanna be like mango. I wanna sleep all day) and continued sleeping while sinb ran up to her bedroom. She changed into jeans and oversized tee, tucked in. She she grabbed her bag and ran down the stairs.

"Mianhe! Im late for work!" Sinb shouted.

"Youre working?" Mr jeon asked.

"She has two jobs JinYoung-ah" mr hwang said.

"As what?" Mr jeon asked.

"A surgeon :)" mrs hwang answered.

Both mr and mrs jeon was shocked.

"Sinb eonnie...where are you going :(" somi asked while hugging sinb's leg.

"Somi..eonnie is going to the hospital to work :) next time i'll see you again okay? I will give you free fanmeeting tickets for you :)" sinb rubbed somi's cheeks.

"Jinjja?? Yay!" Somi cheered.

Everyone laughed.

"Baby how are you going to work?" mrs hwang asked.

"Manager-nim is fetching me..okay annyeong!" Sinb shouted as she left.

"Sinb went to work?" Jungkook asked.

"Ne, oh krsytal, we have to get going too" mrs jeon said.

The Jeons then bid goodbyes and left.

Sinb pov

I reached the hospital not too long later and get working. My shift ends at 12am. I'll sleep till morning and then i can go back home. Im thinking of spending time with somi. Just this once.

-skip to the next morning-

I checked on yerin first thing in the morning and she is being her usual self already. She's really a strong one. Then i went back home. I texted jungkook.

me: hey. um can i bring somi out today? Its my last day off and im thinking of spending time with her.

thedeviljeon 👿: sure. On one condition.

me: what

thedeviljeon 👿: i'll be accompanying you guys. Im her oppa so i have the responsibility to take good care of her. 😏

me: aish jinjja. 😒 arasso.

me: 11am here at my house. I suggest you wear mask. I mean im not thaaaaaat popular. So fans wont be getting crazy over me.

thedeviljeon 👿: aight 😁 *bunny smile*

i just blueticked him and laid down on my bed. Gosh. I was planning to bring somi to meet yerin. She told me that her bias was yerin and me. My heart really melted when she said that her bias was me. Then i picked out my clothes. A long sleeved black shirt with black shorts. I just let go of my hair and didnt apply any makeup. I just went down with my phone and wallet.

*ding dong*

I opened the door and saw jungkook with somi in his arms.

"Yah i told you to wear your mask" i said sternly.

"but i dont want to" he said.

"Fine. We will take separate public transport." I said.

"Kaja somi! I'll bring you to somewhere to meet somebody :)" i said. She jumped off jungkook and held my hand. We took the taxi instead to avoid getting in trouble.

We reached the hospital not too long later. Ofcourse the taxi driver know me and jungkook. He even asked for my autograph. Woop. Okay.

"Sinb eonnie, what are we doing in the hospital?" Somi asked.

"We're gonna meet someone remember?" I asked and suddenly she screamed.


"What happe-" i asked but got cut.



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