chapter 5 🤔

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The sunbae group sang a song called, flying butterfly. It was like a mixture of ballad and rock music. Yuju's voice was powerful as usual. As well as the other two.

"Waaaahhhh..that was beautiful! Lets see your score!" Hani says.

" *laughs* they are the sunbae and main vocals in their group..." heechul said.

"hyung! Im their main vocal!" Jungkook stood up.

"ara ara, jungkook-ssi😂 sit down" heechul calmed him down and laughed.

"They got.............. 98! Good job!" Hani exclaimed.

"sunbaes kyeoo!" They cheered.

We laughed at their cuteness. We all know yuju and jimin cant aegyo but they are adorable themselves😂.

"The next round! Individual! You will pick one representative from each of your groups to sing!" Heechul said.

"Ne, then we will total up your scores. Over 200, who will get the highest score? Now idols, choose a representative" hani continued the instructions.

"Sinb, you go" jungkook said.

"Yah! Im a third vocal! You should go!" Sinb glared at him.

"Sinb pleaaaseeee" taehyung did aegyo to her.

She cringed, "omg dont do aegyo to me🤦🏻‍♀️arghhhhh"

The three of them laughed and in the end, sinb agreed to them.

Meanwhile for the sunbae group, they picked eunha.

"Wahh its the eunbi line!" Hani squealed.

"Sinb yaaaaaaa" eunha ran to sinb and hug her.

"eunha eonnieee" sinb fake cry and hug her.

"gwaenchana gwaenchana, you'll be fine arasso?" Eunha said cutely while patting sinb's head. Everyone smiled at their close relationship.

Sinb started first then eunha.

jungkook pov

While she was singing, yuju watched her, and she was proud of sinb :).

Sinb's voice is so beautiful... even as a main dancer, she could sing very well. She got 95 points.

"Waahhh! Our sinb hyung got 95 points! Good job hyung!" Heechul said while clapping.

"Yah!" Sinb smacked his arm playfully but he was rubbing it.

"Yah sinb im older than you 😂" heechul laughed.

"Well done jagi-ya!" Yuju hugged sinb and kissed her head.

Then it was eunha's turn.

She did great too, ofcourse she did better. Her voice is stronger than sinb's. But im more surprise for sinb. For a main dancer, her voice is so soft and angelic.

"Lets see your score eunha" heechul said while clapping proudly.

"Wah!! 97! GOOD JOB!!!!" Hani ran to eunha and hug her.

"So total for the sunbae group is........ 195!!" Heechul announced.

"For dongsaeng group.....195 too!!" Hani announced happily.

"Great job to both groups!!" Hani and heechul said in unison.

"Yay Kamsahamida!" Bangtan and gfriend said together.

"Your pd-nim's will order food for you all later back at your dorms" heechul said.

sinb pov

Now its time for the next activity!

"Okay we'll be redoing your information lists. Your pd-nim have written a new one for you" Hani said.

They got ready stools for us to sit on. This time, the host sit separately from us. So its like this..

seating arrangement:

(A/n: I edited that^ just for yall to see clearer 🙆🏻)

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(A/n: I edited that^ just for yall to see clearer 🙆🏻)

"Okay its set.. so we start off with gfriend first? Is that alright?" Hani asked.

"Ne :)" me eunha and yuju answered.

"We'll start with the oldest eunha!" Heechul exclaimed.

"Real name, jung eunbi. Stage name, eunha. The member that has the most aegyo in the group. She loves cooking and her idol is IU. She is the lead vocal of the group and is in the eonnie line, eunbi line, vocal line, tall and short line and lastly the 'lead line'." Heechul said everything on the board that pd-nim prepared himself for us.

" some of your aegyo for us!" Hani said excitedly.

Eunha stood in the middle and did her aegyo in front of the camera.

"Aigooo kyeoo!!" Heechul said and touched his heart.



Anyways thankq for reading and have a greaaaaaaat dayyy! :> (sorry for the short chapt! Im doing homework while writing this chapt😂)

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