Kyousuke x reader nothing wrong with boys

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Ohtay people this is just what u need to know

Endou (y/n)

(Y/n) is your name

You are the little sister of Endou and u live with him and Nasumi.

I hope u like

I was at my brother's house helping Natsumi clean the house.
She was washing the dishes, while I was cleaning the table and counter.

"(Y/n) can you take Endou his lunch for me?"

"Sure, just let me finish the table" As I finished cleaning the table, I grabbed Endou's lunch and ran out of the house while putting my jacket on.

As I was walking to the soccer field, I saw Tsurugi heading in the same direction.

"Tsurugi!" I yelled as I ran over to him. He looked up in my direction.

"Hey (Y/n), where are you heading?" He said with his cold deep voice.

"To the soccer field, to give Endou his lunch. What about you? Shouldn't you be at practice?" I said looking at him.

"I was just on my way to practice. Anyway, what's in the bag?" He said looking at the bag with interest.

"Some sandwiches that I and Natsumi made, why?" I said giving him a questioning look.

"No reason, I'm just curious that's all." He said as he stopped looking at the bag of sandwiches.

After that weird talk, we arrived at the soccer field. "nii-san!" I yelled running over to him.

"Hey (y/n) what brings you here?" He said looking down at me.

"Natsumi wanted me to take your lunch to you, so here," I said as I handed him the bag.

"Oh thanks, I was starting to get hungry." As he said that he took out one of my sandwiches.

While I watched everyone practice. They're so awesome! It makes me want to go practice with them! I thought.

"So (y/n), did you come here by yourself?" Said my brother with his mouth full.

"No, I saw Tsurugi on his way here so I walked with him," I said still watching practice.

Then Endou spits out the sandwich.

"Endou Is ev-" before I could finish my sentence, Endou grabbed my shoulders and made me look at him.

"You walked here alone with a boy!" Endou said/yelled.

"Yes and don't yell! Anyway, what's so wrong with walking alone with a boy?" I said glaring at Endou.

"What's wrong with it?! He could have done something to you or hurt you!" He said yelling again.

"So you're saying you don't trust Tsurugi even if he's on the soccer team..."

"He's a boy!"

"He's on your Blooming team you should trust him!" I said yelling at Endou

"I do trust him," Endou yelled back.

"If you trusted him then you wouldn't care if I walked with him alone!" After I said that I walked off.

*Time skip*

After practice, I thought I would ask Tsurugi to come over and eat with us, as a way to annoy Endou.

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