Hiura x reader it's not like I like you

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Sorry it took me so long AzulaPingu and I'm also sorry that it turned out crappy. 1. I had no ideas
2. Is because this is my first time making a Tsundere reader

So I'm sorry if its not what you wanted but I do hope you know that I tried to make it how you wanted it.
I yawned as I headed to the school with Hiura and Iwato. As they talked I zoned, until I heared the coach say my name. "(Y/n) you will help Hiura with watering all the plants on the campus."

My face heated up. "W-why can't he do it by him self?!"

The coach laughed. "A puzzle can't be completed unless you have two matching peaces." As he said that he walked off to play one of his video games.

I sweatdroped as I watched him walk off.

"Well I guess we should get started."

I tenced up and blushed as I looked up at Hiura. He looked back at me with his normal smile.

I looked and walked past him. "Fine baka, but you better No slow me down!"

Hiura shrugged and followed you.

{Time skip}

Hiura's Pov

It had been a hours or two since we started watering all the plants around the school campus. I sighed as I watered the small daises.

I stopped as I heard singing. I turned to see (y/n) watering some red tulips. I listened to her sweet melody until she finished the song.

I smiled. "That was very good (y/n)."

She looked up at me startled with a small blush. "Wha-!" She looked away. "No one asked you."

I chuckled at her Tsundere. I turned back to the flowers while humming to myself.

After it was quite between us for a while I finally deside to break it. "The flowers are pretty around the school, don't you think (y/n)?"

She blushed and looked away. "I guess so... Ow!"

I looked up to see (y/n) finger bleeding because of the roses thorns.

I ran over to her. "Let me see."

I took her finger and placed the part where she got cut in my mouth. I licked the blood away and was able to get the thorn out of the cut.

I smiled. "There we go does it feel better?"

I looked at (y/n) only for her face to be bright as a tomato.

I waved my hand in front of her face. "(Y/n) are you okay."

She looked up with steam coming out of her ears. "You pervert!"

She grabbed one of the water cans and started chasing me with it.

I covered my head. "What did I do?"

She growled. "You knoe what you did!"

I turned around to ask her only for her to trip on a tree root and fall on top of me.

"Ow.." I rubbed my head.


I grabbed (y/n) hands to stop hitting me and pulled her closer until are lips met.

After a quick kiss I broke apart. "Now will you stop hitting me?

She looked at me frozen. "I-I.." Not finishing her scentance she fainted.

I sighed as I picked her up to take her to the nurse. "She's such a Tsundere..."

Words 496

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