Hakuryuu x cold reader medicine and a kiss

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Sorry it took so long _RaiuKagami_10 but i hope you like it.

(Y/n)= your name.

I sighed as I threw the tissue into the over flowing pile of used tissues and pulled the covers closer to me. I closed my eyes and slowly started to drift off until there was a knock at the door.

I sighed again until there was another knock. "Im coming!" I got up and opened the door to glare at a white haired boy. "What do you want Hakuryuu..."

Hakuryuu's eyes widened. "Do you have a cold (y/n)?"

I rolled my eyes. "What gave it away my raspy voice or the dark circles under my eyes..."

"Well can I come in?"

I looked at him for a moment but moved to let him in. "Yeah come in, just ignore the mess."

I walked past him and went back to the couch until he stopped me. "Hold it."

I turned to look at him. "What..?"

He sighed. "You need to go to bed, not just sleep on the couch."

I went to argue with him but I was interrupted by a sneeze. "Yeah...okay.."

We walked to my room and I got in my bed.

"I'll be right back."

I watched as Hakuryuu walked out of the room and came back a couple mins later with a medicine bottle and a spoon.

My eyes widened. "No! I'm not taking that!"

He sighed. "Come one (y/n) it will help."

I closed my mouth and rolled over. "Im not taking it and you can't make me."

There was a moment of silence. "Fine you dont have to take it."

I rolled over to look at him only for a pair of lips to crash on to mine. I gasped only for the medicine to go down.

As we broke apart my face started to heat up. " Y-you tricked me."

He smirked. "It wasn't that bad was it?"

I blushed even more. "N-no.."

He leaned closer. "So you won't mind me doing it again."

I looked at him. "You could get sick."

He smiled. "It will be worth it."

With that his lips smashed agains mine again I wrapped my arms around his neck and his hands went to my hips pulling me closer.

After a couple minutes we pulled apart. We both looked at each other panting.

Hakuryuu smiled. "Now get some rest."

My eyes slowly started to close. "Okay.."

{Time Skip}

I yawned as I opened my eyes to the bright light shining from the window. I looked around to see Hakuryuu no where.

I slowly got up and went into the living room only to see it cleaned up. "Don't tell me he did this while i was asleep."

As i looked around my eyes landed on the white haired male passed out on the couch.

I smiled and went over and put a blanket over him. "You're a idiot Hakuryuu, but your my idiot." As i said that I kissed him on the fourhead.

I went to go to the kitchen but a hand wrapped around my waist and pulled me on top of them.

I looked up to see Hakuryuu with amusement in his eyes. "Good morning beautiful."

I smiled. "Morning."

He smiled and pecked me on the lips. "How are you feeling?"

"Better I think the medicine helped."

He hugged me and closed his eyes."thats good."

"Are you tired?"

He chuckled. "A little."

I went to get up. "I'll leave you so you can get your rest."

His grip tightened. "Stay with me."

I looked into his eyes and smiled. "Okay."

As we cuddled we both slowly started to driffed off. "Love you Hakuryuu."

He kissed me on the head. "Love you too."

611 words.

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