Shindou x reader the sound of music

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And im finally done, I hope you like it izukey_realm.

(Y/n)= your name

(R/g/n)= random girls name

(H/l)= hair length

(H/c)= hair color

(L/n)= your last name

(M/n)= maids name
"Hey Captain you coming?"

I smiled as continued to finish packing my things. "Yeah I'll catch up you guys in a minute." As I said that Tenma and the others headed to the soccer field while I finished up.

After a couple minutes I finished and headed to the feild, only to run into (r/g/n) of the music club. "Oh Shindou you startled me."

"Sorry." As I said that I noticed all the papers in her hand and stressed expression. "Is everything okay."

She gave a small sigh. "Not really, the principal needs to talk to me, but I also need to get these papers to the music room..." As she said that a idea came to her. "You know, if you aren't to busy Shindou could you take them for me?"

"Sorry but I-" Before I could finish my sentence she shaved the papers into my hands and hurried of, but not before saying a small thank you. I gave a small sigh, before heading to the music room.

As I got closer to the room I started to hear a song softly being sung.

"Hey momma, how do you get a red whine stain out of your favorite dress.
Black mascara off a pillow case?
Cure a one-too-many headache?"

Poking my head through the door, my eyes landed on a (h/l) (h/c) haired girl singing softly as she cleaned the room up.

"Momma can I come and maybe stay a few days
This weekend or next?
And hey, how do you get a red wine stain
Out of your favorite dress."

As she sang she would give a small twirl, before continuing to sweep. I leaned in closer waiting for her to continue singing, only to end up knocking down one of the brooms leaning on the wall.

(Y/n)'s Pov

I opened my mouth to sing the next part of the song, only to jump as one of the brooms on the wall fell. I looked up to see a familiar looking boy with light brown wavy hair that stopped at his shoulders. "Umm..can I help you?"

A small blush appeared on the boys face, before he shook his head and gave a small smile. "Yeah, (r/g/n) asked me to put these papers in the music room."

I gave a small smile, before taking the papers from the male. "Oh well thank...umm?"

"Shindou, Shindou Takuto." The boy stuck his hand out for me to shake.

My eyes widened as he said his name. "Shindou, you mean your Shindou, the one that played the piano at inazuma theater?"

Shindou looked suprised, before smiling. "I'm guessing you watched me?"

I gave a small nod. "Yeah me and my mom went to watch you. We both ended falling in love with your skills at the piano." I blushed as I said that. "It also made me want to play the piano, but I never could get the hang of it."

Shindou smiled. "Well learning the piano takes practice and a good teacher."

A joking smile appeared on my face. "Well if it takes a good teacher, maybe you wouldn't mind teaching me?"

Shindou looked suprised for a minute, before answering. "Well I have soccer practice after school, but if you really want to learn then I guess I could teach you on the weekends."

My eyes widened as it was my turn to look suprised. "Really you wouldn't mind teaching me?"

He gave a really smile. "As long as you still want to learn."

Even though I was still suprised we ended up giving each others numbers to keep in contact.

{Time skip}

I smiled as I headed in the direction to Shindou's house, it had been a month since we first spoke. Since he started teaching me how to play the piano I've slowly started to develop a crush on him.

As I got to his house I gave a small knock, before one of the maids opened the door. "Oh Miss (l/n) its good to see you."

I smiled. "You too (m/n), is Shindou here?"

She gave small nod. "He's in the piano room."

As she let me in I headed to the piano room to hear the familiar soft playing of the piano. Entering the room quietly, I sat down on one of the couches and waited for him to finish. After a couple minutes he finally finished.

I gave a small clap. "As always Shindou, that was beautiful."

A smile formed on the males face. "Thank you (y/n)."

"So why'd you need me to come over, I thought you said we weren't going to have practice today?"

He chuckled. "True I did say that, but asked you to come here because I wanted to show you something."

I smiled. "Oh what you want to show me?"

Scooting over he offered me a seat beside him. Curiosity got the best of me so I got up and took a seat beside him.

Gently he started to playing the piano vertion of In case you didn't know by Brett Young.

"Hmm never took him to play a love song." As I thought I continued to listen to him play, until he finally came to a finish. I smiled. "I never took you to be the one that would play a love song, you normally tend to play something that represents your feelings."

It was quiet for a moment, until he looked at me with a smile. "That's why I played it."

I looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"

Smiling he held my hand gently. "I played it, because I wanted to tell you that I love you."

My heart skipped a beat for a minute. "R-Really?"

He gave a small nod. "What about you?" You looked at me nervously waiting for me to reply.

It took me a moment, but I was finally able to speak. "I love you too Shindou."

Words 1000

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