Kidou x reader Crazy love

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Things you need to know
(Y/n)= your name

(S/y/h)= someone you hate

If you want I can write another part on how the date goes.

Anyway hope you like GameMakersPrincess
I  sat on the roof bored out of my mind. Class already started, but I didn't plan on going there to get even more bored.

"What to do what to do..."

"Shouldn't you be in class (Y/n)?"

I jumped at the sound. I looked up to see Kidou leaning against the wall.

I sighed. "What's the student council president want with me now..."

He chuckled. "Nothing really, I just want to know why you're skipping class this time?"

I shrugged. "Same as always. It's boring."

He sighed. "That doesn't mean you can skip class." He walked up to me and grabbed my hand.

I smirked. "You going to take me to the office again?"

"What do you think..."

I let him take me haft way to the office, til I stopped. "Oh Kidou?"

He sighed and turned to look at me. "What?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. I smirked as he blushed. "See you later Kidou." And with that I ran off.

I was on my way back to the roof of the school, til I was stopped.

"Well look what we have here"

I sighed as I looked behind me to see the class bully. "What do you want..."

He smirked. "You should know."

I glared. "I'm not going to been in your stupid little kitty group."

I was about to walk away til I was shoved to the ground.

He sighed but smirked. "I don't think I gave you any choice."

I growled. "If you're wanting a fight, you just got one."

He smirked as he was about to slam his foot down on me, I rolled to the side and jumped up.

Kidou's Pov
I sighed as I headed back to the roof to get (y/n). I looked up to see someone slamming (y/n) to the wall.

I growled. "What do u think your doing?!"

(S/y/h) turned to look at me with a smirk. "Well if it isn't the greatest student council president Kidou. You here to try and stop me."

I smirked. " There's no reason to do that."

"Oh and why is that?"

I looked up. "Easy, you didn't even see the camera behind you."

His smirk turned into a horrified look. Before he could do anything the principal and teacher's showed up.

"(S/y/h), this is the third fight this week! Now get to my office now!" As the principal yelled that, (s/y/h) ran to his office in fear.

I ran over to (y/n). "(Y/n)? Are you alright?"

"I-I think so. Thanks for the help."

I smiled. "You're welcome, now let's get you to the nurses office."

{Time skip}

A couple days after the fight, I walked into my room to see a stuffed penguin and a card. "Hmm?"

I read the card.

Dear Kidou,

Thanks for your help again. maybe I can pay you back, with a date on Friday.

[Yes] or [No]

From (y/n).

I smirked. "Interesting."

Took me 501 words.

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