Tenma x reader save and sound

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What u need to know

Your brother is Amemiya Taiyou.

(Y/n) = your name


I was on my way to the hospital to visit my brother. When I got to his room, I was about to come in till I heard another voice.

"Taiyou?" I walked in to see my brother talking to a boy with brown hair.

"(Y/n)" he looked over at me with his normal smile.

"Who is she Taiyou?" The boy looked at me with a curious look.

"This is my sister (y/n)."

I smiled "And who are u?"

"Oh I'm Matsukaze Tenma"

"Well it's nice to meet u Tenma" as I said that I took a seat by my brother.

"Well I'm going to get going see u tomorrow Taiyou." As he said that he left.

"He seems nice"I said smiling.

"He is and he loves soccer a lot to".

"He sounds like u." I giggled

{Time skip}

After a while of hanging out with Tenma and watching his soccer games with Taiyou. I slowly started to have a crush on him.

I was on my way home after visiting my brother and hanging out with Tenma. As I was walking I felt like someone was following me. I looked behind me to see a man in a hoodie following me, before I could do anything he grabbed my wrist and shoved me to the wall.

"Let me go!" I said glaring at him.

"No I don't think so, I need money so.." he said with no expressen.

"Then go get a damn job!" I yelled

"I wouldn't get that much money if I did that..."

"What are u talking about! U said u want money"

"Yes but I want a lot of money! That's why I'm going to kidnap u and get so much money from your parents!" As he said that he came closer with a crazy look in his eyes.

Before I could do anything the man was hit with a soccer ball and then someone grabbed my hand and started running. After a while of running we stopped, I looked up to see u saved me.


"Are u alright (y/n)?" He looked at me with a curious look.

"Yeah thx for your help." I smiled at

He blushed. "N-no probably (y/n)"

"But how did u know where I was?"

"Well Taiyou was worried for u and didn't want anything to happen to u so he asked me to make sure u were okay." He said still blushing

"Oh that sounds like him. Well how about u walk me home so he doesn't have to worry about me."

"Sure I would love to! I-I mean okay." He blushed some more.

He's so cute when he's embarrassed I thought.

After a while of walking we finally got to my house.

"Well thank u for walking me home and saving me." As I said that I gave him a kiss on the check. "Well I'll see u tomorrow Tenma" before he could say anything I went in side.

Omg omg omg why did I do that? I half yelled in my head he's going to think I'm wierd!!!
Well it's to late now...I guess I'll go to bed. As I thought that I jumped on my bed and fell asleep.

{Next day}

I was on my way to visit Taiyou, till I saw Tenma on his way to the hospital to.

Crap please don't see me please don't see me! I yelled in my head again.
I hid behind a plant and waited till he was gone.

"Thank God he didn't see me." I said to no one.

I started heading to Taiyou's room till I thought of something

Tenma was on his way to see Taiyou so that means I still have to face him! Why me! I yelled for the second time that day.

I finally got to my brother's room and I was right Tenma was there.

"(Y/n) your here, I thought that u wouldn't come and see me today."

"Ofc I would come and visit...what kind of sister doesn't come and see there brother that's in the hospital." As I said that I took a sat by Tenma blushing like crazy

I looked at him and I could tail that he was blushing to.

"Why are u to so quiet? Did something happen between u to?" Taiyou said with a grin.

"N-No nothing happened!" We both yelled

"Then why are u to blushing and not looking at each other? Are u dating and trying to keep it from me?" His grin got bigger.

We both blushed even more

"So u two are dating. Haha Tenma u could have told me you were dating my sister."

"B-But we aren't d-dating, she only kissed me on the cheek and that's why!" He looked away blushing some more

"Oh so u finally told him u like him (y/n)?" He stopped laughing and grinned at me.

"S-Shut up Taiyou! "I blushed

"U like me?" I looked over to see Tenma with a surprised face.


After a moment of silence I looked back up at Tenma only to be suprised by him kissing me.
It didn't last long bc of Taiyou.

"U two know I'm still here right?"

We both broke looked away blushing even more ( if they can even blush anymore...)

"So does that mean u to are still dating?"

"We never were dating!" We both yelled.

"Okay okay. But your dating now right?" He looked at both of us with a question look.

"Well i don-" I was cut of by Tenma.


"Great! But...if u hurt my sister I will hurt u to Tenma"

"I-I won't I promise Taiyou"

I just giggled at them.

That was 957 world's! Not that long...
I didn't really like how it was...I HAD NO IDEAS IM SO SORRY! *crys in corner*

But I hope u liked it anyway...

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