Shindou x reader gardens

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I'm so sorry it took so long and I'm also sorry that I can't remember who requested this😭😭😭 I had it written down but now I can't find it...

Anyway hope you like

Your brother is Kirino

(Y/n)=your name
"(y/n) wake up or we're going to be late."

I rolled over and glared at my brother Ranmaru . "Let me die in peace!"

He sweatdroped. "Do you want to be late for the flower festival..."

"Wait...THATS TODAY?!" I jumped out of bed and shoved Ranmaru out of my room, so I could get ready.

After getting read I went down stairs to get something to eat.

"I see you finally got ready."

I sweat dropped. "Yeah sorry about that, just let me get something to eat and we can be on are way."

Ranmaru sighed. "Okay just hurry up, I promised Shindou that we would meet up with him."

Right as he said Shindou's name I chocked on the jelly toast I was eating. "Y-You didn't tell me that yesterday!"

He sweatdroped. "Yes I did."


He sighed. "When we were going to bed."

I thought for a moment. "When I was going to bed?"


I was heading to my room to go to bed, Ranmaru was heading to his room. "Remember we're going to meet up with Shindou tommorow at the flower festival."

Right as he said that I ran into my bed room door. "What happened..."

{End of flashback.}

I sighed as I remembered. "I was half asleep Ranmaru and by half asleep, I mean I was asleep..."

He chuckled. "Well you still have to come besides I know you to well, you would never miss the flower festival."

I grinned. "True, now let's go I don't want to miss seeing all the flowers."

After we got there we started to look for Shindou, we finally found him by the roses

"Hey Shindou, sorry we kept you waiting someone wouldn't get up.."

I blushed. "Shut up!"

Shindou chuckled. "It's fine, besides I just got here."

"Well I guess that means we can start looking, what you want to look at first (y/n)."

My eyes shined. "Everything!"

Ranmaru sighed. " This is going to be a long day."

I grinned. "Yep!"

{Time skip}

After looking around and everything, we some how ended up losing my brother.

I sat down on a bench. "We've looked everywhere but there's still no sign of him any where."

Shindou sat down beside me. "He'll show up, how about we get something to eat while we wait?"

Before I could answer a ice cream that looked kind of looked like my brother came over to us.

"Would you two like a ice cream?"

Shindou sweat dropped. "Sure..."

I looked at them both confused for a moment but shrugged it off.

As he both handed us a ice cream cone. Before Shindou could pay The weird pink hard man, he disappeared.

I giggled. "I guess it was free."

Shindou chuckled. "Yeah."

I blushed and looked away.  "H-Hey Shindou?"

He looked up from eating his ice cream cone. "What is it?"

I blushed a little more. "I-If your not busy, i-i was wondering if you would l-like to hangout or something."

He thought for a moment. "Like a date?"


He smiled. "Sure."

Before I could respond my brother popped out of thin air. "Finally you tell him you like him."


Ranmaru sweatdroped. "Oh..." He looked at Shindou. "Did you at least tell her how you fell?"

Shindou looked away. "No yet..."

Ranmaru face palmed. "You two are hopeless..."


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