Aphrodi x reader the captains manager

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Sorry it took so long Samarbaby. The reson it took so long was because I couldn't think of a idea and then I had a idea only to relize it didn't go with what you requested, but I hope you still like it.

(Y/n) = your name
I jumped up from my seat happily as my best friend Aphrodi captain of Zeus junior high, made the winning goal.

I made my way to Zeu's changing room. I smiled as I saw Aphrodi. "Aphrodi!"

He looked up and smiled as I hugged him. "Hey (y/n)."

I let go and looked at him. "Congratulations on winning the game."

He chuckled. "Thanks."

"And what about the rest of us?"

I looked behind Aphrodi to see Hera and the rest of the mean.

I smiled. "You guys were great to!" They smiled and started heading into the changing room. "Oh I almost forgot! I asked my mom if we could celebrate your win at her restaurant and she said we could."

There was a couple cheers and thank you's as the team went into the changing room.

Aphrodi headed for the changing toom only for me to stop him. "Aphrodi can I ask you a question?"

"Sure what is it?"

I fiddled with my fingers. "I was wondering if I could join the team, as a manager."

Aphrodi smiled. "Sure, the team will be happy to hear about this since they already think of you as a manager."

{Time skip}

I yawned as I woke up to the sound of my alarm going off. "Why the crap did I set my alarm on a Saturday..?" As I said that I remembered today was my first day as manager. "Crap I'm late."

I jumped out of bed and hurried to get ready, then ran out the house to the field.

As I ran I ended up running into someone, I looked up to see Hera.

He looked suprised at me. "(Y/n)? What are you doing here?"

I smiled. "I was heading to the field, todays my first day as you and the teams manager."

He smiled. "Thats cool, I was heading to practice so I guess I'll walk with you."


As we headed to the field we talked about random things. Until we finally made it to the field.

"Hera and (y/n), you're late!"

We both looked up to see Aphrodi. I smiled awkwardly. "Sorry, I didn't hear my alarm go off."

Aphrodi sighed. "I'll let you slide this time."

I smiled. "Thank you Aphrodi."

Aphrodi turned. "Hera 10 laps for being late."

Hera ruffled my hair. "Talk to you later (y/n)."

I smiled. "Yeah see you."

Aphrodi's Pov
I glared at Hera as he ruffled (y/n)'s hair and went to do his laps.

"Aphrodi?"  I turned to see (y/n) with a smile.


She fiddled with her thumbs. "Where would the water bottles be?"

"They should be in the clubs room, along with the towels."

She smiled. "Alright I'll go get them ready then."

I smiled. "Would you like me to help you?"

She shook her head. "No besides you need to practice yourself."

Before I could say something she headed to the club room.

{Time skip}

I glared at Hera and (y/n) as the both talked. A growl escaped my mouth as I heared (y/n) laugh. I walked over and dragged her off somewhere.

"Aphrodi whats wrong?!"

I ignored her until we were far from the field and the team.


I looked down at her as she looked at me confused and worried. "What's wrong?"

Ignoring her I leaned down and kissed her gently. After a couple minutes we broke apart.

(Y/n) looked at me with wide eyes. "A-Aphrodi..?"

I smiled. "I love you."

(Y/n) smiled shyly. "I love you too."

{Somewhere else}

"So did it work?"

Hera smiled. "Yep those to are finally together."

609 words

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