Kidou x reader

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U suck at math😹😹😹

(L/n)= last name
(Y/n)= your name
I was sitting in class waiting for class to be over so I could head home. Finally the bell rang and everyone ran out of class. I was heading out of class.

"Miss (l/n), could u please wait a moment."

I turned to look at the teacher "yes Mrs. Golden?"

"I've been noticing that your grades have been going down, so I've decided that u need a tutor." As she said that she turned and looked out side.

I don't need help or a tutor...! I half yelled in my head

I put a fake smile on. "And who is my tutor?"

She turned to look at me again. "Your tutor is Kidou Yuuto."

"Hmm idk who that is...guess I'll find out, when do I meet him?"

She smiled "Right now. I already told him, he should be in the library waiting."

"I guess I'll go, so I don't have to keep him waiting any longer." As I said that I headed for the library.

As I got to the library there was only two, the librarian and a boy.
The boy was looking at threw the different books.

He had a red cape. As I walked over to him he turned to look at me.

Why does he have a red cape and Blue Googles on? I thought to myself.

He smiled. "Im guessing your miss (l/n)."

I smiled back. "Yes but u can call me (y/n)."

He put the book he was looking at up, then looked at me. "Well then let's start the first lesson."

{Little time skip}

"Wow that makes more sense now, thx a lot Kidou!"

"Your welcome (y/n)."

As we finished up we walked out of the library together.

"Well I better head home, I'll see u tomorrow for are next lesson." As I said that I head off in my direction to my house.

{Time skip}

It's been two weeks that Kidou's been my tutor, I've also have been doing better at my math.

I was heading to the library to meet up with Kidou.

"Miss (L/n), before u go I want to tell u that your grades have been great."

I smiled. "Yeah it's thx to Kidou, he helps a lot."

She smiled back "Im glad."

As I was about to walk out of class she called me back.

"Miss (l/n) one more thing."

I turned around. "Yes?"

"I just wanted to let you know that this is Kidou's last day to be your tutor."

I could feel my heart slowly stop.
I put one of my fake smilies on. "W-Well I better get going."

I walked slowly to the library, my heart spinning with different emotions.

"Hey (y/n)."

I looked up to see Kidou with his normal sweet smile.

"H-Hey Kidou." I looked at the ground

"(Y/n)?" He ran over to me. "What's wrong?".

"I-its nothing..."

He looked at me with worry. "You sure? we could always learn tomorrow."

I blushed "O-Okay..."

As we headed to my house I slowly start to get tierd.

" How about I give u a ride the rest of the way?"

I yawned. "U don't have to do that..."

He chuckled. "U sure, bc your falling asleep right now."

"Yes im sure. " As I said that I ran into a pole. "Ow...okay I changed my mind..."

"I figured." As he said that he bent down to give me a piggyback ride.

As we started to head to my house again, I slowly started to fall asleep again.

Kidou Pov

I was almost at her house when I heard her mumbled something.

" u.. Kidou." As she said that she fell asleep.

I smirked. "I love u to (y/n).

It has 662 words, im happy how this turned out...I hope u guys liked it to.

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