Kirino x reader Cherry Blossom

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Sorry it took so long Starlight_Motou15 I hope you like it, I'm probably going to make a part two

(Y/n) = your name
(L/n) = last name

(S/y/h) = someone you hate
I sighed as I looked at the blank canvas. " Why can't I think of anything..."

I got up and flopped on to my bed.

"Honey can you do me a favor and take these cooking books back to the library?"

My eyes widened and I smiled. "Mom you're a genius."

I took the books, gave her a kiss, and ran to the library.

I burst through the door. "Finally I'm here."


I opened my eyes to see everyone look at me, a long with the librarian glaring at me.

I sweatdroped. "Sorry."

I walked over to the librarian and handed her the books, then headed for the art books.

I looked at all the different art books on the shelf, till my eyes landed on a book on the top shelf. "Well how the crap am I suppose to get the book down from up there..."

An idea popped in my head, I looked around to make sure know one was looking then I climbed on the shelf and grabbed the book.

"Need help?"

I jumped then looked down to see a boy with pink hair put in pigtails. 

"not really." I jumped down and smiled. "besides I got what I needed."

He sighed. "well how about you ask someone for help next time, you could get hurt."

"okay? Whats your name?" 

" Kirino RanmaruI."

I smiled. "nice to meet you Kirino, I'm (l/n) (Y/n)."

{Time Skip}

"WOW, these paintings are amazing!"

"(Y/n) don't be so loud."

I smiled. "I'm not being that loud Kirino."

He sighed and put his book down. "You said that two weeks ago, right after you got kicked out of the library..."

I sweatdroped. "True, but this time I won't be kicked out!"

"Are you so sure about that?"

I froze as I slowly looked to see a angry librarian.

I slowly smiled. " Hey (s/y/h), how's it been."

She frowned and grabbed me, the next thing I know I'm being thrown outside.

I heard a chuckle.

I sighed. "Okay Kirino, maybe you were right about me be to loud."

He helped me up.

"Well so much for me getting ideas for my painting."

Kirino looked at me. "You still haven't found an idea."

I sighed. "No I still haven't found one..."

He smiled and grabbed my hand. "Follow me."

After walking we came to a  bridge with a little river and cherry blossom trees around it.

My eyes widened. "It's so pretty!"

"Will this work for a painting?"

I smiled. "Yes it's perfect! Now let's go get my stuff."

Kirino frowned. "It will be too dark when we get back."

I sighed. "Fine but I promise I'll come back tomorrow!"

Took me 500 words to finish the one shot

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