Kidou x reader crazy love part 3

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I'm so sorry it took so long, but I for some odd reason didn't want to write at all this week.

But I hope you like GameMakersPrincess.
I sighed as I waited for the bell to ring. "Come on ring already." I mumbled to my self.

After a minute or two the bell finally rang. "Yes!" I jumped up with my stuff and ran to my house.

"How was school (y/n)?"

I looked at mom. "Boring as always. Well I'm going to go get ready."

{Time skip}

As I finish getting ready the bell ring. "Well I guess he's here."

I walked down stairs, to see Dad talking to Kidou. "You better not be scaring him dad."

He chuckled. "Don't worry we're just have a talk."

"Mhm whatever you say." I smiled. "You ready to go?"

He smiled. "Yeah."

We both walked out the house and headed to the fair.

{Time skip to the fair.}

"So what do you want to do first?"

I looked around, til my eyes landed on the tallest roller coaster.

I took his hand. "Follow me."

We got in line and waited are turn, I did trick a couple of people to get out of line.

"You never change do you?"

I grinned. "Nope."

We got on the ride and got ready as the ride counted down.

3...2...1! The cart took of like a jet up and down side to side. Finally the cart came to a stop.

"Well that was fun."

He chuckled. "Did you scream at one point?"

"Nope must have been someone else."

We went on some other rides, like the zipper, the tea cups, the tornado, and many others.

"Well I think we've been on all the rides."

I looked at him. "True." I grabbed his hand. "Let's go get something to eat, then play some games."

We stopped by a burger and fries stand. After we ate that, we got some cotton candy.

When we were looking for a game to play we pasted a stand with a big penguin, I stopped.

Kidou looked at me. "What is it?"

I pointed. "That penguin, I want it."

I ran up to the man and slammed the cash down. He handed me three balls.

"Come on (y/n) you can do it." As I mumbled that I threw the first ball and knocked all the bottles. "Yes!" I threw the second one and knocked them all down. I threw the third one and only hit one. I growled. "Let's go Kidou."

I looked beside me to see holding the big stuff penguin. "How did you do that?!"

He smirked. "I won it."

"You played why I was playing!"

"Yeah." He handed me the thing.

I looked at him with a questionable look. "What are you doing?"

"You wanted it so I won it for you. Know how about we ride the ferris wheel.

I smiled. "Fine by me."

We got on, til we got stopped at the top. "Nice view, isn't?"

I leaned my head on his shoulder "Yeah."


"What is it?"

"Do you like anyone?"

I smiled. "Yeah."


I looked at him "who do you think." I grabbed the collar of his shirt and pulled him in for a kiss. "Does that answer your question."

He smirked. "Yeah it does."

We both leaned in to kiss again, before are lips connected Kidou whispered something. "I love you (y/n)."

I smiled. "I love you too."

Took me 553 words

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