Yukimura x reader snow ball fight!

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Ohtay people I'm making this one shot for my best friend in Inazuma eleven. Yukimura is my best friend.

Things u should know

(Y/n) is your name.

(L/n) is your last name

I was on my way to the snowboarding place, since school was out for winter break.
As i was walking past the soccer field a soccer ball came full speed to me! I dropped my snowboard and my bag,  then i kicked the soccer ball back with as much force as it had came at me.
Well that was close, I wonder who kicked it. I thought.
then i started picking up my bag and snowboard, as I was doing that I heard someone running up to me.

"hey that was a amazing kick!" 

i looked up to see a boy with violet blue hair and ice blue eyes.

"thx, are you the one that kicked the soccer ball?" i asked 

" yeah sorry about that, i'm Yukimura Hyouga." he said with a smile.

"i'm (l/n) (y/n), nice to meet you Yukimura." i said smiling back.

I talked with him for a couple of minutes.

" Well I got to go bye." As I said that I threw my bag over my shoulder and held my snowboard

"hey are u heading to the snowboarding place?"

"yeah, i was on my why there till u kicked the soccer ball to me." i said standing up.

"mind if i come along?" he said looking me in the eyes

"sure, i wouldn't mind having a snowboarding buddy." i said with a smile.

"okay let me just go get my snowboard." after he said that he started running in the direction to his house.

while i waited i sat on a bench and got out my sketchpad. i started drawing a wolf, howling at the moon as it started to snow. i was so focus that i didn't see Yukimura behind me, watching me draw.

"your really good at drawing (l/n)."

i jumped a little then calmed down. "thx Yukimura, but don't scare me like that." i said putting my sketchpad back in my bag.

"sorry i didn't mean to."

"its fine and u don't half to be so formal just call me (y/n)." I said as I picked up my bag.

After that fun little moment we headed to the snowboarding​ place. I placed my bag on the bench then I started getting ready.

"Hey Yukimura?"

"Yeah what is it?" He said turning to look at me.

Then I threw a snow ball at him and took off down the snow slop.

"(Y/N)!!! I'll get u for that!"

I looked behind me to see Yukimura right behind me, on his snowboard.

"Bet u can't catch me" as I said that I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Watch me" he said with a grin

I laughed and went faster.

❄Time skip❄

After snowboard for a hour, we went to are house and put are stuff up.
Then we met back up at the snow meadow, by the field of snow drops.

"So what u want to do?" I said laying in the snow

The only answer I got was a snow ball to the face.

"Ha payback!" Yukimura said while laughing a little.

"So u want to have a snow ball fight?" I said with a grin

I made a snow ball as fast as I could and threw it at Yukimura. But he dogged it.

"Got to be faster then that (y/n)!"
Then he threw a snow ball at me.
I ducked and threw three snow balls at him in a row, but he moved out the way before they hit him.

"Darn so close!" I mumbled

While Yukimura wasn't looking I ran over to him about to throw a snow ball right to his face! But he stepped out of the way.
Before I fell  I tried to grabbed Yukimura jacked but i pulled him down along with me.
We rolled down the hill into the field with snow drops, then we came to a crashing stop!
I opened my eyes to see Yukimura ice blue eyes.

"S-sorry I didn't mean to take u W-with me" I said as my face started to heat up.

"It's fine.." as he said that he leaned closer.

"Y-Yukimura what are you d-doing?" As I said that my face heated up more.

"(Y/n) I... screw it"

He slammed his lips to mine. I froze for a minute, then I slowly closed my eyes and rapped my arms around his neck.
After a couple minutes we broke a part.

"Sorry  i didn't mean to Its just..."he looked away.

"It's okay  Yukimura I love u to" I said smiling at him

He looked back down at me with a grin, then he helped me up.

"So what u want to do now?"

"Well how about we go to my house and I can make us some hot chocolate." As I said that I grabbed his hand and ran to my house.
When I got there I opened the door.

"I'm back." As I said that my Uncle walked in.

"Welcome back (y/n)." He said with his normal calm voice.

"Senpai?!" Yukimura said with a surprised face.

"Well i guess u already know my Uncle Fubuki." I said giggling a little.

"Fubuki's your Uncle??" Then he  looked at me with a surprised " u never told me that (y/n)!"

I smiled "u never asked. Now how about I make us all some hot chocolate." I walked in the kitchen and started making it.

After i was done making it I walked into the living room, I handed Yukimura and Fubuki's hot chocolate.
We watched some TV while drinking are hot chocolate. I leaned my head on Yukimura shoulder, watching the TV. After a while of watching the TV  I slowly started to drifted off.

❄Fubuki pov ❄

I looked over to see (y/n) and Yukimura asleep. I smiled then turned the TV off, picked up the mugs, and rapped the blanket around them.

"Sleep tight u two"

That was 990 words I was hoping to make I think longer but I couldn't. Well I hope u like it.

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