Kyousuke x reader soulmate

795 32 19

This one shot isn't that great but I hope you like it @_StarlightMotou_10
(H/c)= hair color
(Y/n)= your name
I sighed nervously as I fiddled with the red string tied on my finger.

"You nervous?"

I nodded. "Just a little."

Endou smiled. "Don't worry the team will love you."

I faked a smile. "Lets hope so."

I was snapped out of my thoughts as two boys entered the club room. One was my height with brown hair and swirls in his hair, the other one was shorter and looked like pikachu.

The boy with the swirls noticed me first. "Coach who's the girl?"

Endou smiled. "This is my little sister (y/n)."

The both looke at me suprised. "Coach you never told us you had a sister."

I giggled. "Nice to meet you um.."

The boy with the swirl hair smiled. "I'm Tenma and this is Shinsuke."

Shinsuke smiled. "Hi."

As we talked the rest of the team entered and I interdused myself.

Endou smiled. "Is everyone here?"

Hikaru looked around. "No Tsurugi is missing."

As he said that the club doors opened to show a boy with navy hair in a weird ponytail.

"Sorry I'm late."

A shiver ran down my back as he walked into the room and the red string on my pinky started to lead to him.

I followed where it led, only for it to lead to the Navy blue haired male. "Could he be?" As I mumbled that, he looked up at me.

He looked at me confused. "Who are you?"

I blushed. "I'm (y/n)."

Endou grinned. "Tsurugi this is my little sister."

I shyly smiled. "Nice to meet you."

"Well since everyone has introduced them selves, I would like you to welcome my sister as your new manager."

As Endou said that everyone cheered and talked, before end told everyone to head to the field for practice.

Tsurugi's Pov
I sighed as I walked into the club room to see everyone else there. "Sorry I'm late."

As I said that a shiver went down my spin and the red string on my finger started to lead somewhere. I followed where it led only for it to lead to a girl with (h/l) (h/c) hair.

I noticed the red string connected to mine tied around her pinky. I looked back up at her. "Who are you?"

She blushed. "I'm (y/n)."

Coach Endou walked up behind her with a grin. "Tsurugi this is my little sister."

She smiled shyly. "Nice to meet you."

As Coach Endou started talking, my eyes wandered back to the string tying me and (y/n) together.

I smiled. "So she's the one."

(Y/n)'s Pov

I smiled as I watched everyone practiceing, but my eyes would wander more to Tsurugi.

Seto grinned. "Well look who already has a crush."

I blushed. "W-What do you mean?"

Ali smiled. "Come on (y/n), you've been watching Tsurugi ever since practice started."

I blushed before standing up. "Break time is about to start right? How about I go get the towels?"

Before getting a answer I ran back to the club room

I sighed. "Well that was embarrassing."

Grabbing the towels I headed back to the practice, only to run into someone.

I lost my balance and was about to fall only for a hand to snag its way to my waist.

My heart fluttered and a happy feeling spred through my body at the sudden contact. I looked up to see Tsurugi.

"Are you okay?"

I blushed but smiled. "Yeah I'm fine. Thanks for catching me."

As I said that I noticed the towels sprawled out on the floor. I bent down to pick them up with Tsurugi's help.

I smiled as I went to grab the last one, only for mine and Tsurugi's hand to touch.

My eyes widened as I noticed the strings tying us together were now gone.

We looked back up each other, before slowly leaning closer to each other, only to be interrupted by my brother.

"What's going on?!" I looked to see my brother with a annoyed look and ragging fire behind him.

I blushed. "Nothing Tsurugi was just helping me get towels for the rest of the team."

He looked at me then Tsurugi. "You hurt her and I'll snap your neck."

My eyes widened. "Nii-san we weren't doing anything!"

Endou glared at Tsurugi. "You better not have! Now Tsurugi get back to practice."

As Tsurugi headed back to practice, I noticed he handed me a pice of paper with his number. I blushed but smiled.

Words 750

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