Aphrodi x reader better

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I'm so sorry it took so long Hazel_Author_Chan!!!

I've been in this mood where I don't want write or something But I also had a lot of ideas for this story.

Anyway I hope you like!!!

(Y/n) =your name.
I won't lie to you
I know he's just not right for you

I sighed as I waited for my boyfriend at the movie theater, I had been waiting for a hour.


I looked up to see him run over to me. "Hey Haruya, what took you so long?"

He smirked. "So what do you want to watch?"

I thought for a moment. "How about the new Spiderman."

He sighed. "That's stupid...Let's watch the new horror movie."

Did he forget I get scared easily? I thought for a moment. "Umm sure."

And you can tell me if I'm off
But I see it on your face
When you say that he's the one that you want.

After the movie we both went to get something to eat and then went home

{Time skip}

I reached for my phone as fast as I could and hid under the covers. I tried calling Haruya but he didn't answer, so I called my friend Aphrodi.


Aphrodi: Hello

You: A-Aphrodi

Aphrodi: What's wrong (y/n)!?

You: Can you come over

Aphrodi: Sure I'll be over in a sec

And you're spending all your time In this wrong situation
And anytime you want it to stop

I turned all the lights on and waited for him to get here. I jumped when I heard a knock at the door. I ran over and opened it to see Aphrodi.

I sighed and hugged him. "Thank God your here."

He hugged back. "What did he do this time?"

I looked away. "We went to the movies and he wanted to watch a horror movie, so we did."

He sighed. "You know you don't like horror movies.. Why didn't you say no?"

I messed with my thumbs "Because it made him happy."

He sighed again but didn't say anything else about it.

After watching movies for a couple hours, I finally fell asleep.

I know I can Treat you better than he can!

Beep Beep Beep

I sighed as I felt around for my alarm clock. I finally found it and turned it off. I yawned and stretched 

After getting ready, I went down to make breakfast Aphrodi was sitting on the couch watching TV

I sat down by him with my food. "I'm guessing you stayed the night here."

"Yeah it was raining and i didn't want to get wet."

I giggled. "More like you didn't want your hair to mess up."

He ignored me. "So what you want to do?"

I thought for a moment. "How about we got to the mall?"

He smiled. "Sounds like a good idea."

{Time skip}

We walked around and looked at all the other things.

While he was buying something I looked in one of the shop windows to see Burn. I was going to go see him but then I saw him hugging a girl, while they both looked a some music.

I was about to cry till I saw Aphrodi coming.

"So where to next (y/n)?"

I put on a fake smile. "How about we go get something to eat?"

He razed a eyebrow. "We just ate an hour ago?"

"R-Right well then how about we go watch a movie at my house." Before he could answer I headed in the where the doors were.

And any girl like you deserves a Gentleman.
Tell me why are we wasting time
On all your wasted cryin'

Aphrodi's Pov

I was about to follow her, when from the corner of my eye I saw Burn with a girl. "Tsk, so that's why she wanted to leave in a hurry."

{Time skip}

(Y/n) Pov

We got to my house and watch some movies for a couple hours, till Aphrodi paused the movie.

I looked at him with questioning look. "Why did you stop the movie?"

He sighed. "I'm not a idiot (y/n) I know how you get when you're sad."

I looked away. "I-I don't know what your talking about."

I sighed. "I know you saw Burn with that girl."

I froze and the tears slowly came. "S-so you saw it to..."

He pulled me in for a hug. "Please don't cry, he's not worth crying for (y/n)."

I hugged back as more tears came.

When you should be with me instead
I know I can treat you better
Better than he can!

After I calmed down we just stayed there hugging. "(Y/n)?"

I looked up. "Yeah?"

"I hope this isn't a bad time but... would u be mine?"

I thought for a moment. "But I'm still with Burn."

He smiled "No your not, I made that clear to him."

I chuckled. "Let me guess you walked over to him flipped your hair and told him off."

He smirked. "Of course."

"I'll have to think about my answer..."

He smiled. "I can wait."

After a moment of silence I smiled. "Hey Aphrodi."



He looked at me with wide eyes. "Yes? That was fast."

I looked at the roof. "Well I thought about it your always there when I need you."

It took me 854 words.

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