Chapter 1

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It was a dreadful day today.

It is because Kim Taehyung's girlfriend, Kang Soojung died.

Everyone mourned, knowing that the sweet girl they have known is now gone. They were sitting in brown chairs, crying their hearts out as they see the girl, sleep in peace in the casket. This happened to her...

Because of a murder.

"I swear, I will find out who killed you and avenge your death."A man with a deep voice said. He sobbed as he saw her body in a casket.

"Taehyung. I don't think avenging her death would do any good-"

"You don't understand Jimin! you might be my bestfriend, but you're not me to understand what I feel!" Taehyung hissed, as Jimin stumbled back.

Taehyung sighed before mumbling a 'sorry'.

Everyone was mourning.

Everyone but Jimin.

Jimin looked at the casket with no emotions. He didn't know the girl well. all he knew was she was his bestfriend's clingy girlfriend. She really annoys Jimin for some reason, with her high pitched voice and short skirts. But he wouldn't dare hurt her in any way, because she is his bestfriend's girl after all.

"Mr. and Mrs.Kang?" The police officer said, it has been a week since the murder and the police were investigating on who the murderer was. The only evidence was the earring.

"Wh-what ha-ve yo-you found? can you p-put justice to my daughter's death?" the woman sobbed as her husband soothe her by rubbing her shoulder.

Taehyung's eyes widened and began walking to the Kang family.

"Who's the mu-murderer?" Taehyung asked, trying to keep his cries in bay.

"I'm sorry, Mr. and Mrs.Kang..and..."

"Kang Soojung's boyfriend, Kim Taehyung." Taehyung said immediately. The officer nods.

"and Mr. Kim...but we couldn't find who the murderer was, we tried. The earring that was supposedly an evidence has no finger print. And we couldn't pin point whether it was a girl or a boy who killed her since, in this town, each boy has an earring too, which will be hard to identify."
The officer said.

Mrs.Kang was about to lash out on how they don't do their work hard enough to find her daughter's killer. But she calmed herself down as violence wouldn't bring her daughter back.

"N-not even a connection?" Taehyung asked, the officer frowned.

"Well, the earring has a match to it right?" the officer asked, taehyung nodded. The officer brought a transparent plastic out, inside of it was an earring.

"Have you seen this kind of earring?" the officer asked, the earring was blue. I was just a simple band of red.
Taehyung frowned.

"Yeah...My bestfriend,Park Jimin." Taehyung said as he looked at the officer. The officer nodded.

"Ms. Kang Soojung died at Feburary 18,2017, 2:59am. Where was Mr.Park when her murder occured?" The officer asked, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows thinking hard.

"He was with us the whole time officer. We had an sleepover at my house."A new voice said,
Taehyung turned around and saw Hoseok.

"and who are you?"

"I'm one of Taehyung's bestfriends AND Kang Soojung's tutor. Jung Hoseok." Hoseok said as he smiled, he hooked his arm around Taehyung.

"How can I trust what you're saying." The officer said, squinting his eyes. The Kang parents looked at him too

"You can ask my neighboor."Hoseok said. "He can literally hear Me and Yoongi-hyung's voice. The SOPE collab." Hoseok laughed. The officer looked at him amused before nodding.

"Even if you said that, we can't say it's true. Park Jimin will be in the list of suspects. We will find more clues.." the officer said, as he jotted down some notes on his notepad.

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