Chapter 24

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Taehyung sniffled as he cleaned Hoseok.

His hyung was covered not in bruises only, but also with big and small cuts.

Taehyung sighed as he bandaged up the last cut. It was deep. It came from Hoseok's right chest then to his left hip.

It was diagonal cut.

"Hyung...what the hell did you do to get yourself in this state?" Taehyung whispered, while closing his eyes, soon then it was snapped open when he heard a groan.

"Hyung!" Taehyung gasped, as Hoseok woke up in pain, his face scrunched as he sat up.

"Hyung, you're cut-"

"I can manage" Hoseok's rasped voice answered. Taehyung debated whether he should let Hoseok be or not.

In the end, he let him be.

"Hyung...What happened?" Taehyung asked, tears coming out of his eyes once again.

Hoseok looked at him before sighing, bowing his head down.

"I've been gone for 3 week right?" Hoseok asked, Taehyung mumbled a yes.

"I'm suppose to be here by the day before yesterday." Hoseok groaned,

"Apperantly, I have to be caught up in a damn revenge." he continued, Taehyung looked in worry as he watched his hyung endure the pain.

"Wh-what do you mean?"

"I had to cut off connections with her"


"I want to stop."

"Hm? could you please repeat that?" The woman said, Hoseok took a huge breath before saying the same words again.

"I want to stop this. I don't want to be involved in your schemes anymore." Hoseok said, the woman laughed as she puts down her cup.

"You called me out of town, brought me into a café where people solenmly visit, just to tell me this? What's the catch Hoseok?" The woman asked as she folded her arms to her chest.

"Nothing. I just don't want to be involved anymore." Hoseok answered.
The woman tsked.

"Aw, your friends is your weakness now. I though you love Taehyung to the extent that you would hurt anyone for him." The woman smirked.

"But I don't want to hurt my friends!" Hoseok shouted, The woman laughed.

"Whatever. Leave if you want. I can care less." The woman said, Hoseok tsked before standing up. Leaving the woman with anger in her eyes.

'Careful. You might get hurt' the woman whispered as she sips her tea.


Hoseok was walking home. After 3 weeks of not coming home, he finally can come home.

He was near the alley. He knows that there's danger lurking but It didn't bother him. He's just eager to go home.

"Lookie here boys, someone decided to rebel against madame." There appeared 4 guys, One of the guys smirked as those words left his mouth.

"Well, well...let's play a game, shall we?"

(Author-nim sucks at writing fighting scenes)

"Why didn't you call us?" Taehyung asked.

"I left my phone here at my room." Hoseok answered as he pointed the vanity near the door. Taehyung sighed in defeat as he looks at Hoseok.

"Anyways...Jimin needs us."

"What?" Taehyung's ears perked up as he heard his bestfriends name.

"B-but they said he's dead but honestly didn't want to believe that he's dead. I don't know anymore!" taehyung groaned

"He needs us, he's alive. Just...lost" Hoseok muttered,

"Where is he?" Taehyung asked,

"In the place where everything started. The Kang Hotel."

"Why the hell does everything start with that shitty ass snob family!" Namjoon's voice shouted through out the house, following of something crashing down the floor.

"SHIT! Jin's favourite vase!"

"Well, I hope we'll find out soon...On why they're the cause of this ruckus...Mind as well, find the killer."

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