Chapter 13

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He didn't mean to hurt Yoongi.

He didn't mean to lead Yoongi to the road and get hit by a car.

Jimin didn't mean to.

Jimin wiped his tears as his phone tinged with a text.

Unknown Number:
Good job.

Jimin puts his hand over his mouth, muffling his sobs and screams.


Jimin turned and saw Jungkook. Jimin ran up to him and crashed him in a hug.

"I didn't mean to" Jimin cried, Jungkook's face contoured to a frown.

"What? what happened hyung?" Jungkook asked, break the hug between the two of them.

"Yoongi hyu-"

"W-what about him?"

"I didn't mean to lead him there-"

"What do you mean hyung?"

"Th-there was a text sent to me...Saying that I s-should lead Yoongi h-hyung to the o-other side of the
h-hospital, w-hich is a flower shop. H-hyung followed me, and the next thing I know, he got hit by a car."
Jimin sobbed, Jungkook's frown fell.


"Hyung got hurt because of me." Jimin cried as his hand clutch on the t-shirt of Jungkook.

Jimin bit his lip as he pulled away from the hug.

"I-I want to find out who"

Jungkook frowned once again, as he looked at the face of his hyung.


"I want to find out who is doing this to us! Jungkook we have to!" Jimin shouted, clutching Jungkook's t-shirt hard.

After a few minutes of shouting and trying to convince Jungkook.

Jimin fainted.

Jungkook didn't mean to.

But he had to.

He had no choice but to hurt his hyung, so he can keep Jimin safe.

Unknown number:
You did a good job on driving.

Jungkook's face contoured into anger. His hand itching to punch the wall.

But he couldn't, since Jimin is sleeping.

After Jungkook and Jimin saw each other, Jungkook bought Jimin to a cheap hotel that was in hidden from the town.

They thought they were going to be safe.

They thought that whoever was hurting them and their hyungs would forget about them since he or she couldn't find them.

But no.

It became worse.
And more deadly.

"Who's next? Should I make it more.....brutal?"

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