Chapter 20

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Should I continue Clandestine or unpublish it?


Jimin stared at the white wall in front of him. His face emotionless as Jungkook sat beside him in his bed.

"hyung...come on, we have-"

"Jungkook. I'm thinking who the hell is K!" Jimin whispered, jungkook pursued his lips before nodding.

"K can be either a last name or part of a name..." Jimin said, Jungkook looked at Jimin before agreeing.

"But we have no clue, if that person-"

"Hyung, that person wouldn't randomly know us and then hurt us without a reason. It's possible that one of our close friends or relatives could be the killer." Jungkook said as he stood up,

Jimin's eyes followed Jungkook, as the latter sat down in front of a laptop.

"Namjoon hyung also told us about the text he got. It was a close friend of ours...well, At least we think that she or he was our close friend."

Jimin's face scrunched in confusion,

"Then who? Jungkook, you have a K on your name, Taehyung too, in his last name."

"So does Seokjin hyung, both on his last name and first name. Same goes for Namjoon hyung.."

"Hoseok hyung too...Yoongi hyung has no K on his name, so I don't think it would be him-"

"Hyung, it was just a possibility of the person knowing us, we can't be really sure if that person has a K in their name." jungkook said, Jimin sighed before nodding. Suddenly, his head perked up.

"Jungkook! you know who else has a K in their name?"

Jungkook looked at him bewildered face.


"No! you pabo! Kang Soojung!" Jimin whispered shouted as he stood up and went to Jungkook.

"What does that she have to do with us-"

"Think about it. Kang Soojung was close with You, Taehyung,Yoongi hyung,Namjoon hyung and Jin hyung.
She's not close with me though..."

Jungkook's eyes widened,

"Are you saying?"

"No, just a hunch, I just felt uneasy when her name suddenly popped in my mind." Jimin said as he went back to the bed.

Jimin and Jungkook looked at each other. The latter urged Jimin to open the messege that he got.

Jimin sighed before opening the messege.

Jimin gasped, he threw his phone to his bed

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Jimin gasped, he threw his phone to his bed.

"Yoongi hyung..." Jimin whispered, Jungkook looked at him confusingly.

"W-we have to find him! K has him!"

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