Chapter 23

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Taehyung slammed the front door closed as he threw a punch to the wall beside him.

Namjoon heard the door slam, he sighed before standing up, putting his phone in his pocket before walking up to Taehyung.

As soon as Namjoon was in Taehyung's sight. Taehyung began to ask.

"Have you heard the news?" Taehyung asked, anger clear in his voice. Namjoon looked at him with sad eyes.


"They declared Jimin dead because they couldn't find him! What the hell! That's my bestfriend they are talking about!" Taehyung shouted, Namjoon went to Taehyung,rubbing his back.

"what the hell is happening hyung?" Taehyung sobbed. "Hoseok hyung disappeared, Jin hyung is hospitalized and it's been 1 month already, Jungkook disappears and reappers, Yoongi hyung is kidnapped also, and now Jimin is declared dead!?" Taehyung continued,

Namjoon thought for a bit, trying to remember something he found out.


"What hyung?" Taehyung sniffled,

"I think we can find Jimin and Yoongi. I bet they have the same kidnappers, this isn't a coincidence at all. The following days after Soojung's burial, Jin hyung was wounded and the happenings go on. Someone planned this."

"Who would it be?"

"No idea, but i found something and it is something that could help us." namjoon said, as he pulled Taehyung to the living room.

Namjoon patted the seat beside him before pulling his laptop out.

Don't worry, the house was checked, there were no cameras left.

"Remember the camera that caused our light bulb to explode?" Namjoon asked as he typed, Taehyung muttered a small yes.

"Well, Cameras are connected to a computer right?" Namjoon asked once again, Taehyung looked at him before saying yes once again.

"What's with the questions?"

"Well, since the camera was connected, I was able to find where it was connected."Namjoon said as he kept typing. Taehyung gasped.


"This laptop was gifted by my father, so I don't really know how to works, but somehow, my laptop picked a weird device, the notification said something about 'Would you want to connect to the installed camera?'. At first, I didn't mind it, i just closed the tab." Namjoon said, Taehyung listened as he felt his heart beating fast.

"But when we literally found out that there were cameras in our home, I was head on trying to find where the camera belonged. Somehow, I remembered the tab was still there. I checked the details of the camera, and it was connected to an another laptop." Namjoon continued.

"I can't decode it though, the address is blocked." Namjoon groaned,Taehyung frowned before smacking Namjoon's arm.

"How is that gonna help us!?"

"Well...The brand of the laptop that the camera used to connect to is here." Namjoon said, pointing at the screen.

"Yeah? so?"

"There are 5 Electronic shops in this town. 3 are from 3 different malls-"

"And the other 2 are...a bit far from this town."Taehyung said, Namjoon nodded.

"But what if the laptop isn't from he-"

"It is from here. Trust me." Namjoon said,

"Because The Kanation product isn't out on the world yet."


"The Kang's made a new brand of laptop" Namjoon said, as he stood up.

"I'm sure it's here. Kanation is selling here in this town, before it can even go out to the world." Namjoon said confidently.


Taehyung and Namjoon's conversation were interrupted as they heard the front door burst open.

Both men were surprised, the scrambled up before running to the front door, eager to see who it was.

It was Hoseok.

But he didn't look ok.

"Oh my Gosh!" Taehyung shouted.

He was shocked, Taehyung didn't see Hoseok for 3 weeks straight. Tears welled up his eyes while Namjoon stood up there speechless.

Silence consumed them as they see their Hyung, standing in pain.

Hoseok was covered in blue,black and purple bruises. Those bruises surrounded his body.

Before anyone could utter a word,

Hoseok fainted.

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