Chapter 25

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"JIMIN!" Yoongi screamed, K tsked before aiming the gun again. This time, it was aimed where his heart was.

Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows before clenching his eyes shut, waiting for the pain to come.

Jimin, on the other hand, was able to reach in time, seeing that K was holding up a gun against Yoongi.

"HELL NO!" Jimin screamed,

Jimin tackled K, turning K around before throwing a punch to her face.


Jimin's eyes widened as he turned around, only to find Jungkook standing on the middle of the stairs. Jungkook opened his mouth to warn Jimin about K, who held a pole before smacking it on Jimin's head.

Jimin's body dropped, while K was smirking. This left Jungkook shocked and Yoongi, who was watching everything, pissed.

K pushed Jimin's body away from her. Before standing up, facing Jungkook.

"Jimin can sure throw a punch, right Jungkook?" K laughed, Yoongi's eyes widened, before his teeth gritted in anger, he thrashed on the chair he was tied to.


"What the hell Jungkook!? you work for her!? you piece of sh*t! I trusted you! Jimin trusted you!" Yoongi screamed. Yoongi ignored the pain that ran through out his body. Anger consumed him.

"Hyung! that's not it-"

"Oh! It is what it is!" K shouted before laughing, Jungkook was about to defend himself when K continued talking,

"If it wasn't, Then why didn't you save Jimin earlier? You distracted him instead.Also I know that you can track Jimin's phone...So why didn't you run here as fast as you can to prevent this?" K asked, Jungkook stood still, while Yoongi lost his temper.

"F*cking hell!"

"Shut up grandpa" K tsked.

Jungkook woke up from his trance, looking up to K's eyes.

"Why are you doing this? Why are you doing this Soojung?"

Short. But I want y'all to guess how the hell did it get to her.

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