Condolence to Jonghyun

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Not an update.
But an important day, to remember the dear leader of SHINee.

I'm not a fan of them, but I knew them and listen to their songs.

And just this day, I was listening to their song 'Lucifer' when the news came out.

I was f*cking devastated.

I know the news came out earlier, but I waited and waited for some article to say it was a joke.

I was hoping it was just a joke or a rumour....but nothing..

It's hard to f*cking accept the fact that we lost another idol😭.

Condolence to SHINee's Leader and Lead Vocalist.



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Thank you for being a leader

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Thank you for being a leader.
Thank you for leaving with a great impact in the kpop world.
Thank you for everything.
Rest In Peace🙏

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