Chapter 10

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Namjoon waved his hand as he walked out of the hospital doors.

He had to man up to get out of the hospital doors, getting some clothes for his friends.

Namjoon sighed as he remembered his childish hyung. Namjoon laughed quietly as tears ran down his soft cheeks. He wiped them away.

It was the first time he cried for one of his friends. Yeah, there are times where they fought and ran away for how many days. Namjoon and Yoongi are the only ones who hadn't cried no matter how much their tears wanted to escape.

But never.

never did this happen.

This hadn't happen to one of his friends before, getting hurt and ending up in an hospital.

And more likely, on a coma.

Namjoon bit his bottom lip as he parked in front of his friend's home. He pursued his lips. Keys dangling in his fingers.

Currently, him and his friends plan on staying in an apartment. After all, they know each other long enough to stay and work together.

Namjoon turned the knob as he finished unlocking the door, a familiar place in his sight.

His eyes widened.

The place was slightly trashed, the walls were splashed with red, creating words.


Namjoon's eyebrows furrowed.

Who in the world of jams broke into their apartment? How?

Namjoon looked at the writings once more, it was red paint. It was fresh, that means it was just written around this day.

Namjoon's phone buzzed, signalling him that somebody texted him. He expected a news from his hyung and dongsaengs about either Jimin's whereabouts or Jin's conditions.

But it was something else.

Unknown Number:

I will give you a choice, you expose your second oldest and no one will be hurt.

Namjoon, sighed in frustration.This bastard or whoever this is, is pissing me.

Namjoon ignored the messege, thinking that it was just a prank from a teenager. But even if he thought of that, he couldn't stop himself from tracing that number.

He tried tracing it. But no avail, the number was blocked.

His phone buzzed again.

Unknown Number:
Expose Him or One Of Your Hyung Dies. Don't even try to find me :)

Namjoon looked at the wall that has red painted words written and in the messege that threatend his hyung's life.


Namjoon screamed, frustration building up as he tries not to break his phone.


Unknown Number:
Who am I?
hint: someone close to you ;)

Namjoon slammed his fist to a near by object, which was a shelf near his height with books on it. The objects fell. One of the books opened, a paper was in it.

Namjoon frowned, he put his phone back into his pocket as he picked up the paper. It was small.

There, was written two words:

I'm sorry.

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