Chapter 28

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"Soojung had a twin." Taehyung whispered again.

"If she had a twin...and my Soojung died. Does that mean her twin is alive?" Taehyung continued. Suddenly his eyes lightened up as he took out his phone and took a picture of the frame.

"Taehyung, let's go now, let's pick up Hoseok on the way out." Namjoon said as he took a picture of the medical records.

"I'll study on these later on." Namjoon said to himself as Taehyung went out first. Namjoon put the papers back, locked the drawer once again and placed the key back to its place. He went out of the room before closing the door.

Namjoon went to the front door and saw Taehyung and Hoseok waiting. He ushered the two to go out as he heard a slight sound of a movement downstairs.

They went out successfully, Hoseok the last one going out before closing the door.

"There's a basement underneath this house." Namjoon whispered as he pulled the two into their car, which was hidden underneath the shade of tree which was a bit far from the house.

The three went in, Hoseok huffing out an air while Namjoon turned on the engine.

"So...what did you guys find?" Hoseok asked, Namjoon sighed as Taehyung turned on his phone and showed Hoseok the family picture.

"Why are there two Soojungs? I didn't know photoshop was popular on our days-"

"No you idiot! That's Soojung's twin sister." Taehyung said, Hoseok stuck his tongue out at Taehyung before looking back at the picture.

"Does that mean?"

"Soojung's twin might be alive. She might be the answer to this, shinanigans." Namjoon said, as Taehyung nod in agreement. Hoseok looked at Taehyung intensly.

"How can you be so sure that Soojung is the one who died?" Hoseok said, Namjoon stopped the car abruptly as Taehyung dropped his phone.

"Hoseok's right." Taehyung muttered, as Namjoon cleared his throat before driving again.

"How did Soojung die anyway?" Namjoon asked, Hoseok and Taehyung looked at each other.

"I...I don't know.." Taehyung answered, Hoseok muttered a 'me too'.

"The police didn't tell you?" Namjoon asked, as Taehyung nod his head.

"Taehyung, Namjoon can't see you nod when he's driving." Hoseok said as a matter of fact. Taehyung rolled his eyes before saying a 'yes'.

"So I guess our first stop would be the police?"

"Shouldn't we ask Mr. and Mrs. Kang though?" Hoseok asked, Taehyung looked at him with a questioning face.

"Hoseok hyung, the parents might be part of the crap we're going through." Taehyung answered, Hoseok whispered an 'Ooohh' before hearing Namjoon sigh.

"We have to find out before everything gets worse."

*Ring!* *Ring!*

"Taehyung. Your phone." Hoseok said as he pointed on Taehyung's phone, which was sitting on the floor. The latter looked at Hoseok with a nervous glance before picking up his phone and answering the call.



"Jimin!?" Taehyung gasped, Namjoon stomped on the break, whole Hoseok was about to fly out of the car because he was not wearing seatbelt.

Well neither were Namjoon and Taehyung.


Jimin's voice was cutted off by a familiar voice which Taehyung used to love.

"Would you look at that? Your precious Jimin."

The voice cackled, Taehyung gritted his teeth.

"I know who you are. You're Soojung's twin sister, what do yoy want from me?" Taehyung asked, anger cleared in his voice.

"Oh? Kang Soojung's twin? *chuckles* What a guess, but you got it wrong" the voice sang out, Taehyung looked at Namjoon, who nods his head, Taehyung puts the phone away from his ear a little bit, just so that Namjoon could connect the wire from the phome to the laptop.

Namjoon has his laptop with hin 24/7.

Namjoon startes typing while Taehyung continued on talking with whoever was on the phone.

"Then who are you?"

"Guess who I am, my love, I'm someone, who loves you from afar. I loved you with all my heart and I wanted you...ut she fucking took you!"

"Who? Who are you talking about?"

"My twin sister! Kang Soojin"

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