Chapter 9

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Jungkook's voice resonating through the empty park. Jimin looked up. His eyes meeting his face.

Jimin's tears continued falling down his cheeks as he gasped for air. Jungkook stood still.

Jimin wailed, before running to Jungkook and crashing him with a hug, jungkook's scent wrapped around him as he sob through the younger man's shoulder.

Jungkook smiled before hugging his small hyung back.

Jimin's mouth opened.

And words were muttered.

Taehyung cried as he moved his body in an comfortable position, nightmare chasing him as he whimpered for help.

There stood Taehyung. In the middle of darkness. No light. No path. No nothing.

Except for a man. In front of Taehyung was a man, screaming and crying for help as bruises were planted on his white milky skin.

It was his bestfriend.


jimin was screaming for help.

And Taehyung was just there standing.

Jimin's hair was dishelved, his clothes were covered in dirt and dry blood. His eyes were red, as tears fall down his cheeks.

He looks distastrous.

Taehyung stretched his arm out, crying jimin's name, trying to save from what's hurting his bestfriend.

Soon, a loud sound echoed through out the empty place.


Taehyung's eyes widened, as he watched the older's body, fall down to the ground, blood spreaded through out his clothes.

But still.

Taehyung stood still as he watched his bestfriend get shot. As he watched his body fall down.

No one was there but him and Jimin.

Taehyung looked at his trembling arms that tried to reach out for Jimin.

There in his hand.

Was a gun.


Taehyung woke up, his breath caught up as he gasped for air. His body trembling, and his neck hurting.

Taehyung sat up from his uncomfortablr position, cracking his neck and trying to forget the dream he had.

Taehyung was the one who-


Taehyung's body jumped a little as he heard his phone ring a notification

Unknown number:

It's sad that your Jin hyung is in coma and your dear bestfriend ran away.
Who do you think is next?

Taehyung's eyes widened as he saw this text. He hears his heart drumming through his chest.

Soon, he heard footsteps.

He looked up and saw Hoseok, who was smiling creepily.

Taehyung opened his mouth, he was about to ask something on why does he have a small patch of blood in his collar.

His supposedly question was interrupted as they saw the doctor who was incharge of Jin.

Namjoon sighed as he heard the news. He looked at his friends.

Taehyung's hand was balled, his tears streaming down his cheeks. Namjoon can see that Taehyung wants to scream.

Yoongi's head was in both of his hands, silent cries came out of his mouth.

Jungkook came back, full on sobbing as he heard the news.


Hoseok was just there standing.
He felt...


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