Chapter 5

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Jimin sighed as he ended the call with his hyung, Kim Seokjin.

Jin called Jimin, panicked laced in his  voice as he tries to talk. He requested Jimin to come to Soojung's old home. Jimin fought back saying that the police would be suspicious on why would jimin be in the deceased girl's house, lighting up their suspicions more than ever.

"I have to show you something, It's important, I-i think I know who killed Soojung.".

Jimin's uninterested faced lightened up. He smiled as he thought he would be put out of the suspect's list. Jimin agreed as he heard his hyung breath for more are.

"Please come as soon as possible."

Jimin whispered a 'yes' before ending the call. He stood up from his bed, and went to his closet, wearing a simple white shirt and black pants. Lastly, He wore a red beanie and red converse as his shoes.

"Taehyung! I'm going out!"

Jimin shouted as he tapped his head that has a beanie on it. He walked out of the apartment, locking the door in process.

He sighed as air blew out of his mouth,his breath seen as the coldness of korea surrounds him.

He kept walking until he saw the familiar path of the deceased girl's house. His body shivered.

Jimin blowed air to his hands, adding warmth to it. His hands dropped as he saw the house of Soojung.

The front door was slightly open.

Why would hyung break in?

Jimin thought to himself, he walked closer to the house. He peeked around to see if anyone was there.

There was someone.

But their body was at the floor. The person's back faced the door, jimin squinted his eyes to get a better view.
There was a shadow above the body. As Jimin looked at the broad shoulder of the body, he instantly recognized who it was.

"Jin hyung!" jimin shouted as he barged into the house. The stranger that hovered Jin's body jumped at the sudden sound, dropping something on the floor.

It was a knife.

Jimin's eyed widen at the face of the person.

"H-how is t-that-"

The person who wore a black hoodie smiled weirdly, which scared Jimin.

Jimin was about to scream.

"Scream jimin. Your life will end with his." The person said, the voice pitch was high as a girl.

Jimin covered his mouth as tears ran down his eyes. The person smiled as it pointed a gun at Jimin.

Where did she get that?

Jimin slowly kneeled down. His eyes trailing to the dead body of his hyung.

"Jin hyung..." Jimin cried, The person laughed, it's other hand looking for something.

A Phone?

The person dialled a number.

'How may i help you?'

The voice echoed through out the house.

"Someone was shot."
The person said, Jimin's eyes widened.


"I saw Park Jimin in Kang family's old home and found a dead body."

Jimin's eyes widened.

"The body that I found was.....Kim Seokjin's."


Mom didn't take my phone for some reason. But hey, I'll stay good as possible for her not to take it.

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