Chapter 14

183 26 13

Double Update for y'all💕


Namjoon sighed as he walked through the dark alley.

You might be wondering, Why would Namjoon be there?

Namjoon wants to find who is causing this ruckus.

Namjoon isn't that stupid to think this was all just an coincidence. The fact that his two hyungs got hurt in just a month.

This was not a coincidence.

Namjoon didn't know how his Seokjin hyung got stabbed, and he is sure as hell that Jimin would never hurt Seokjin.

Jimin adores the oldest.

And Namjoon has known Jimin since they were in nursery, he watched the latter grow up from a weird geek into a hot God with 6 pack abs.

Namjoon stopped walking as he heard a snap behind him.

Namjoon turned his head a little, beside him was a wall, a shadow was seen.

"Who are you?"
Namjoon asked out loud.

The shadow chuckled,

"Your worse nightmare."
The shadow laughed, as it was about to step forward, Namjoon opened his mouth.

"I'm sure as hell Yoongi is much more of a nightmare when people wakes him up from his sleep." Namjoon laughed, The shadow's laugh stopped.

Okay, the shadow had to admit that was amusing, but it has to do his job.

"He won't be a nightmare now since his life is on the line."

"The fuck? are you sure you're talking about the same Yoongi? I'm sure he would never let go of his life. Especially when he just got accepted in an entertainment." Namjoon said as he turned around, faced to face with the person he expected.

"Why are you doing this? "

"I have to, I have no choice."

"There are lots of choices, yet you chose to hurt someone important to you, Hoseok."

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