Chapter 12

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Namjoon walked inside the hospital room, seeing his friends in an uncomfortable position while sleeping.

Namjoon laughed as he puts down the duffle bag which contains their clothes for the month.

The dimpled man scanned the room as he look if there is something wrong in the room, something's not right. Namjoon counted his group of friends, only to find out that the two of them are missing.


Yoongi was sure he saw Jimin.
He saw him through the small window of the door in Jin's room.

His insticts told him to run after Jimin, asking him what's happening, and why is this happening.

Yoongi huffed out as he bended down to catch his breath.

"Wait up!" he screamed, the figure stopped running, it's hooded figure laughed menacingly as it saw Yoongi huffing.

He was sure it's Jimin in that hoodie.


The figure's chuckled,

"Guess again."


Namjoon's tears couldn't stop falling.

First, his one of his dongsaengs disappeared. No news about him whatsoever.

Second, His Oldest hyung got stabbed, Not knowing if Jimin is really the killer.

And now, their second oldest, Yoongi-hyung got hit by a car.

Namjoon pulled his hair from frustration.

Unknown Number:
Oopsie daisy! I didn't mean to hurt him ;)

Namjoon gritted his teeth as he threw his phone to the wall, breaking it in process. He was suppose to be the calm and collected one in his group of friends. His family.

But he cannot be calm after having his hyungs hurt and his dongsaeng disappearing.

Namjoon looked at the running figure that was running towards him. It was Taehyung.

Taehyung's face looks broken, tears streaming down his cheeks, eyes red shot, his nose red as a reindeer. His hair dishelved.Written in his face was guilt.

He looked as if he killed someone.

Taehyung sobbed as he hugs Namjoom who was sitting in one of the hospital chairs.

Taehyung sat down beside Namjoon, tears still stained in his cheeks as he opens his mouth to speak,

"Ho-how did this happen!? Wh-where's H-hoseok h-yung a-and Ju-jungkook?" Taehyung asked,

Namjoon took a deep breath before speaking.

"Jungkook's in the toilet, As for Hoseok. I don't know, as soon as I came back, Hoseok wasn't there and Y-yoongi was pulled to ER."

"Where would Yoongi be at this moment?" a voice asked, Taehyung and Namjoon turned to the source of the voice. It was Jungkook

Jungkook's eyes weren't swollen like theirs, his nose wasn't beaming red like theirs. No traces of tears was seen in Jungkook's face.

Jungkook bit his lip as he saw the doctor came out.

"Mr.Min is fine. the impact wasn't that bad." The doctor announced.

"About your other friend....He's still not respon-"

"If you're asking us the permission to pull the plug, no." Namjoon answered,

"Patients with comas,they usually take long to respond, it is their choice whether to let themselves go or not." Namjoon said,

"Comas can take months and years, and hyung was just in a 2 week coma, you're gonna pull the plug easily?" Namjoon said, anger was clear in his voice.

The doctor pursued his lips,

"You're giving up your patient, what kind of a doctor are you?" namjoon asked, the doctor bit his lips, sighing as he nods.

"I'm sorry, what I said was unprofessional. But I'll just let you know, Mr.Kim is in critical condition. We checked him once again since his body had a seizure at 2:30am"

The three men looked at each other.

"We got him stabled, don't worry. He'll be fine, he just needs to be monitored more carefully." The doctor said, Namjoon nods.

A phone's notification was heard.

Unknown number:
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