Chapter 2

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"I can't believe the officers suspected me as the murderer!" Jimin exclaimed as he sat down the brown colored couch.

"I mean, Can a cute face like this kill anyone!?" Jimin continued at ramble, Taehyung looked at him and laughed softly.

"Well, innocent faces can kill people too y'know." Taehyung said, sitting down besides Jimin. Jimin rolled his eyes before snuggling into Taehyung's arms, closing his eyes as the taller's warmth enveloped him.

"Why would anyone kill Soojung?" Taehyung asked, playing with Jimin's hair. Jimin looked up, facing him before shrugging. "No one wanted her dead, everyone loved her...".

"That's the point Tae.." Jimin whispered, Taehyung furrowed his eyebrows before asking Jimin.

"What are you talking about?"

"She's loved by everyone. People get jealous too you know." He said as he laid his head in the taller's chest. One of Taehyung's eyebrow raised.

"Are you saying you were jealous of her?" He asked as he leaned away from jimin. Jimin looked up at him before shaking his head 'no'.

"Of course not, I mean, even if I don't know her well. I know she has some imperfections as well." Jimin said as he stood up, Taehyung frowned, opening his mouth to say something, only to be cutted of by Jimin.

"No Tae, I wouldn't dare kill someone special to you. I'm your bestfriend. believe me." He said as he walked out of the living room and into his room. Taehyung sat up from his halfed body laying position. He raked his hand through his brown locks.

"Like Jimin said, he won't kill someone who is special to me." Taehyung whispered, his eyes trailing to the door of Jimin's room.

"He won't."

-Unknown's POV-

Poor guy.

He got accused.

Oh well, I can use him as a distraction from the police then.

I smirked, twirling the knife around my index finger. I look through the windows, seeing the small man sit down and pout.

He's so innocent.

Perfect as a cover up.

I chuckled as I slowly did a back flip, my feet hitting a ground quietly. I walked away from the creamed colored house. Seeing my own hidden base near it.

I went inside, it was dark. I guess my parents are asleep. I rolled my eyes. Ever since 'her' death. Everyone was affected. Even my parents.

I walked up to my room, taking my black mask off as I open the door. Closing it slowly, so my parents won't suspect anything.

As if they cared.

I went to my laptop and opened the cctv cameras. i smiled as I saw Taehyung dressing up.

"You'll soon be mine Kim Taehyung. Just wait."

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