Chapter 19

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“Namjoon, any news?” Taehyung asked,
Namjoon cleared his throat when he sat up from his almost laying position.

“Yeah, but it’s weird. Taehyung, have you found any news about Soojung’s murder?” Namjoon asked, as he kept looking at the computer screen.

“No, not at all. Apperantly, the police told the Kang family to cancel the investigation and mark Soojung as suicidal. But Mrs.Kang refused.” Taehyung answered, Namjoon squinted his eyes in curiosity.

“What do you know about Kang Soojung? The whole Kang Family?” Namjoon asked once again. Taehyung looked annoyed.

“Why would you ask”

“Curious..” Namjoon shrugged, Taehyung looked at him before chuckling.

“Good enough! what I know about Soojung..She was the sweetest girl I k-”

“Personal Biography please” Namjoon said. Taehyung pouted before answering,

“Well, she’s a Kang, She was born on November 12. She was 20 when she passed away, She used to go the same University as me, Millenium University, But even if we were together and went to the same University, She didnt tell me what course she chose…” Taehyung said as he rubbed his chin. Namjoon nods.

“Okay, what about her family? any deceased? besides her of course.”

“Her family...they have 5 members in the family, though I haven’t met the other sibling, I don’t even know the gender.” Taehyung answered, Namjoon shook his head, muttering something under his breath.

“Why? did you find something about her? Hyung! we’re suppose to find the person who is causing this to our friends! Not on Soo-”

“What if the murderer connects to the Kang family?” Namjoon asked, Taehyung stopped talking.


Namjoon flipped his laptop, showing Taehyung the screen.

“For some reason. One of the Kang Family member showed up as one of the results for mysterious murders in specifically this town.” Namjoon said as Taehyung scanned the screen.

“I knew Soojung had 2 siblings. One of them is a guy. The other one, i’m clueless.” Taehyung said. Namjoon nodded.

“The research doesn’t show any names. But it did say there that one of the Kang family members were brought to a mental asylum.” Namjoon said,


Namjoon looked at his phone, before looking at Taehyung.

The older man stood up, taking phone, opening it to read the messege.

The older man stood up, taking phone, opening it to read the messege

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“I know your every move…”

“Shit! did it say anything else?”

"It's the picture of the website I opened!" Namjoon shrieked. Taehyung slammed the laptop close.

"Taehyung!my laptop!"

"It's not broken, you pussy eater." Taehyung said, as Namjoon checked his poor laptop.

"Anyways. It knows everything that we do. How?" Taehyung asked, Namjoon frowned.

"I think there's a hidden camera in our living room. More yet, maybe our rooms too." Namjoon said, "But where could it possibly be?"

"Maybe it's behind our TV? Or the TV itself? Or It's on our light bulb above us-"

"Taehyung, that's stu-"

The light bulb above them suddenly exploded.

"What the fuck!?" Taehyung screamed as he backed off the broken bulb, Namjoon backed off too, but not too far.

"What the hell!?" Taehyung shouted, Namjoon squinted his eyes.

"What the fu-"

"Stop cussing taehyung!"

"How!? The light bulb above us suddenly exploded! Above our damned heads! We could've died! And it's because of the stupid red flashing th-"

"Wait what?" Namjoon asked, Taehyung looked at him before poiting at a small object,flashing red.

Namjoon walked put of the living room and went back in before he stepped closed to it. Trying to avoid the broken pieces of glass.

"Taehyung..." Namjoon muttered before bending.

"What? It's a camera?"

"What you said was not stupid at all. I take it back. It is a camera" Namjoon whispered before standing up. In his hand was a tiny piece of device.

" why are you-"

Namjoon made a shhh action.

"I think the light bulb overheated along with the camera." Namjoon whispered. He went out of the living room before coming back.

"What the he-"

Namjoon pulled Taehyung out. Looking left and right before locking the door, going to his car, slammed the door close as Tae got in, and drove into a café that was just around the corner, but not really visible to the road.

Namjoon pulled Tae out of the car. pulling him to the café and sitting his ass down a chair.

"Why the fu-"

"I think...the whole apartment is surrounded by cameras."

"Stop cutting me off godamit!"

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