Chapter 3

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"Jimin?" Taehyung called out as he knocks on the door.

"Yeah?" a muffled voice answered behind the door. Taehyung pursed his lips before exhaling.

"The police are here to you."

The door that was once in Taehyung's face opened, in sight was an emotionless Jimin.

"More like arrest me. Like I said, It's not me!" Jimin shouted as he tries to slam the door in front of Taehyung's face. The latter shove a foot in between the frame of the door and the door. Leaving small gap of opening.

"Jiminie, they are just gonna talk to you, not arrest you." Taehyung assured. The older sighed before opening the door fully.

"Like I said, It wasn't me who killed her, I repeat, I won't kill someone important to you." Jimin said as he went out of his room, Taehyung's eyes followed his figure.

"I believe you Jimin."

Jimin rolled his eyes before scoffing.

"Yeah, sure you believe me, and so do the police."


"Where are they?" Jimin asked, his arms folding.

"In the kitchen" Taehyung answered as he scratched the back of his neck. Jimin nodded before walking to the kitchen.

The police stood up as soon as they saw the small man come into the room.

"He is so small..." One police said,

"Mark, just because your taller than him, doesn't give you the right to insult his height." One of the police officer said,

"but Jackson-"

"Excuse me? you were asking for me?" The smaller man said, the three officers look at the source of the voice.

"Yes. We were." The man with a red hair answered,

"My name is Officer Jaebum, the one on my right who has a blonde hair is Jackson. The left one that has normal hair is Mark."

Jimin smiles fakely before sitting down at one of the chairs.

"Aren't we suppose to talk in the living room?"

"B-but your friend said we can have free food!" One of the officers said, normal hair...Mark.

"Taehyung can't cook." Jimin simply smiled, Mark whimpered.

"He tricked me." mark faked cry, jimin looked at him with amused eyes.

"I'm sorry for officer Mark, he just got out of college, so he's a fresh new officer." Jaebum said as Jackson scolded Mark quietly.

Jimin laughed softly before, sitting up straight and tilt his head with an unusual smile.

"Now can you please ask what you want? I have people to visit after this..." Jimin said, the officers nod as Jackson brought his small notebook out.


Jaebum rolled his eyes before facing Jimin with a serious look.

"So, Mr. Park, where were you in Feburary 18,2017. Saturday?" Officer Jaebum asked,

"I was at Hoseok hyung's home. We had an sleep over. We were drunk. Don't worry, we're legal to drink. Our youngest was the sober one." Jimin answered with no hesitation.

"What time did you guys went to bed?" Jackson asked, Jimin shrugged.

"I was drunk. I didn't know what was I really doing."

Jaebum squinted his eyes, Jackson cleared his throat.

"So, what was your relationship with the deceased?"

Jimin laughed softly.

"Soojung was my bestfriend's girlfriend. Me and her were barely acquaintances, since she spends most of her time with Taehyung. She always takes Taehyung, which kinda annoys me." Jimin answered, Jackson and Jaebum looked at each other.

"So you're saying that you hate her?" the third one asked, Jimin looked at him with a smiled.

The three anticipated that his answer would be 'yes' so the murder case would be close.


"Then why did you kill her!?" Mark shouted, Jimin jumped in surprise.

"Mark, he said no, not yes..." Jackson said, patting Mark's shoulder. Mark's eyes widened before muttering a 'sorry'.

"It's okay." Jimin smiled softly,

"I don't hate her, I don't like her either, she takes lots of Taehyung's time. Also our youngest's time too" Jimin said, trying not to looked pissed.

"You raised our suspicions. You clearly said yourself that you didn't like the vi-"

"Just because I said I didn't like her, doesn't mean it would be an excuse for a kill Mr. Jaebum" jimin frowned, Jackson looked at Jimin with cold eyes.

"That may be true, but we don't really know what your motives are. So we won't trust your words easily."

Jimin rolled his eyes,

"No body asked you to believe me, I'm just telling you what's true." Jimin said as he stood up.

"Your interrogation with me won't help you know the killer. Like I said, I wouldn't kill her just because I didn't like her. I suggest looking for clues. Maybe the murderer isnt someone from the people she knew. " Jimin said as he walked away.

The three officers looked at each other before sighing.

"I think we should think outside the box, He's right."

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