Chapter 6

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Jin was laying in an hospital bed. Wires attatched to his body as the 5 boys stood still.

They thought they lost Jin.
But the ambulance came in time, scooping the body off the floor and bringing it straight to the hospital.

Seokjin was in a coma.

And Jimin was nowhere to be found.

As soon as the call ended from the stranger. Jimin fled away from the house, leaving the killer and seokjin.

Jungkook bit his fingers as Taehyung kept pacing left and right. The doctor said that the person who has called them, told them about a person who was seen in the crime scene.

They said,the person's was name Park Jimin.

Taehyung frowned.
He knew Jimin enough to know that the latter would never kill anyone. He can't even cut a raw chicken without crying for its life.

"There are lots of Park Jimin in the world, Taehyung." Taehyung said to himself as the grip on his hair tightened. Jungkook looked at Taehyung with tears, as the hyungs, Hoseok,Namjoon and Yoongi, sat in silence.

No body could even think of a reason on why would Jimin be involved in this.

Why does he have the same earring as the evidence shown by the police?

Why was he in the Soojung's old house, with Seokjin?

Perhaps he was framed.

But they can never be too sure.

Sure, there are times where Jimin gets mad whenever Soojung is there or her name was mention. And those times where Jin would piss Jimin with his fats.

But Jimin would never hurt anyone.


Jimin's body shook from fear.

He laughed softly as his hands were washed by water, blood streaming down the drain.

"I'll soon find out who you are."

Short updated cuz school got me some WRITER'S BLOCK.

Kudos to those who inspired me to continue this story😂💕


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