Chapter 26

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"Hyung! will you shut up!" Hoseok hissed as he tried to unlock the locked door.

The three, Hoseok, Namjoon, and Taehyung are currently at the home of the diseased girlfriend of Taehyung, which is Soojung.

It was a two story house. Too big for an individual.

"We will get arrested when they find out what we are doing here you moron!"

"We have to atleast try and find a way to find Jimin, and also find out why these events that have hurt both our hyungs that led them almost to death."

"The only hyung who isn't in then line of death is you, Hoseok.."

"Use formalities!" Hoseok huffed as he successfully opened the door, he gestured the two men to follow him.

As they entered the quiet home of the diseased, an odor, a familiar one to be exact, welcomed their nose.

"I thought this house was abandoned? why does it still have a good odor in it?" Hoseok asked, Taehyung looked towards his hyungs.

"It's as if someone lives here." Taehyung whispered, Hoseok nods while Namjoon closes his eyes and sighs.

"Why in the world are we tangled up in this mess?" Namjoon asked,

"Maybe we aren't part of it, but got in the part of it. This mess isn't suppose to be ours." Hoseok answered,

"When did you get smart? I know you have brain, but this is surprising." Namjoon chuckled, Taehyung made a 'pfft' sound before silently laughing

"What are we doing here anyways?" Namjoon asked, Taehyung looked at Hoseok for an answer.

"Like I said, we might find clues, no family has been suspicious but the Kang really triggers my feet off."

"Seriously? Feet?-"

"Don't judge" Hoseok mumbled, He suddenly flicked his wrist, signaling that they should seperate.

Namjoon went to a room upstairs. Which he soon recognized as an office,Hoseok went to a bedroom, which he noticed as Soojung's. As for Taehyung, he went to the kitchen.

"This must be worth finding and arresting for." Namjoon mumbled as he walked around the room, It had a mahogany table in the middle of the room, the walls were colored with dark brown and the floor were seen as wooden, the room had two book shelves, all filled with books, and some with files.

He first went to the mahogany table, it had two drawers. One was open and one was locked. The locked one obviously had an important thing in there.

Namjoon tried to find a key, he scanned the whole room, looked behind the hanged frames and a picture that was a picture of Taehyung and Soojung.

He found nothing.

Since he couldn't find the key, his eyes averted to a shelf that was filled with files.

"Files..." Namjoon whispered as he went straight to the shelves.

"A..B...C....D..What the hell, these are work files!" Namjoon groaned, he still kept looking for a file that would look suspicious, he even opened them, but alas, they were all work related, none about the family.

He suddenly remembered the key that he stumbled upon in one of the files.

He went to letter S again and opened the file. There was a key hanging on a ribbon. He took it and put the file back into it's place.

Jin's organization disease has been  given to him, he couldn't leave the files unorganized.

Namjoon went to the table once again and opened the second drawer.

He knew that there was something important in the locked drawer. He thought it would a criminal record, or  a robbery shit or cheating stuff that the Kang would do to reach this success. But he did not expect this...

A Medical Record.

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