Chapter 8

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Jimin is still missing. No trace can be found that could lead to him.

The 5 boys are worried sick, for both their oldest and the third to the last youngest.

The police have been looking for Jimin, both as a suspect and a missing person.

As for Seokjin, the doctor announced about Seokjin's condition. The stab was too deep, he had a chance to live, 50/50.

Everything was going downhill.

Ever since the death of Soojung, misfortune came to the 7 boys.

Jimin is missing.

Seokjin is in coma.

And now Jungkook is acting weird.

"Jungkook? are you okay?" Namjoon asked as he pats the head of the youngest. The said boy looked up, no emotions were in his eyes.

"Of c-ourse I-am h-hyung...I'm just wo-rried fo-r the b-both of them..." Jungkook answered, his voice quivering as he spoke. the sides of his mouth went up, performing a supposedly so called smile. Jungkook blinked before his smile disappered, the attention of his eyes, back to where they were pointed before. At the wall.

Namjoon frowned.

Jungkook has been like this for the past few days. He stares at the wall a lot, whenever they asked something that involves Jimin and Jin, he stutters. He would sometimes stare at the wall, with a creepy smile.

Namjoon sighed as he patted jungkook hair once again.

Namjoon didn't know what to do.

Taehyung has been trying to contact his fellow 95er.

/the number you have dial-/

Taehyung groaned as his thumb pressed the red button. Ending the call.

He has been trying for how many days already, and he still has no contact with Jimin. Taehyung is starting to doubt Jimin.

Was Jimin really the killer?


The 4 hyungs look at the youngest eho spoke, their eyes widened as they heard his voice.

This has been the first time that Jungkook spoke first after the incident of his two other hyungs.

"I need fresh air." jungkook simply said as he stood up, Yoongi frowned.

"Better bring your phone kid. Answer when we call. Also, don't say out too late." Yoongi said as he took a sip of his coffee. Jungkook looked at his hyung before nodding.

Jungkook simply waved at us before muttering "I'm gonna go now."

Yoongi never felt so nervous.

Jungkook walked out of the hospital.

Yes, him and his hyungs have been staying there for how many days. he doesn't even know how many days they were in there and what was the date today.

Jungkook's hands were tucked into his brown coat, his timberlands making a sound as he walked down the sidewalk. The path he took was found at the back of the hospital. He saw a small park, not that far from the hospital.

He walked slowly as his eyes landed on someone familiar.

Jimin hid from everyone. His friends and his lover.

His body shook in the cold bench as he remembered what happened last night.


"Tsk tsk. little jiminie make sure you know what you're doing. After all, i know all your secrets.Even those deepest secret that none of your closest friends knew." the person laughed as it walked in front of Jimin, making the latter step back.


He was cornered.

Jimin, then realized what the killer said, he gasped quietly.

"Wh-what are you talking about?" jimin stuttered out. The person laughed.

"Oh jiminie,do you really think you're good at hiding secrets? If you think you are, then I must be a fucking master on it!" The person laughed as it traced it's finger from Jimin's chin to his adam's apple.

"The fact you're gay and have a lover, that nobody else knew." The person laughed. that secret wasn't a big deal at all. But he has a relationship with someone in his group of friends. He knew his friends didn't want one of their maknae's to have a relationship just yet.

The killer's face went closer as it's mouth was directed into Jimin's ears.

"And the fact that you killed your mother."

jimin's eyes widened.

"NO! SHUT UP!" Jimin screamed as he pushed the killer real hard, making the person stumble down. Jimin's eyes were filled with tears.

The person was satisfied that it hit a sensitive to topic to break him.

"Stay away from Taehyung.And your secret will be safe. after all, no body wants to be friends with someone who killed their own blooded mother."

Jimin's body shook as he ran to the door. Tears covering his vision.

He didn't mean to do it.

He sweared it was a mistake.

'He made me do it.'



Jimin's body jumped in surprise as he saw the person who called his name,


I'm still sick😷 but I had time so I said to myself.

"Hey, why don't you get your lazy ass to write the next update?"

I was like,

"Yeah sure, why not."

So yeah, here you go~

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