Chapter 29

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"Hoseok. For the last fucking time,  grappling hooks aren't needed!"

"Yes we do!"

"We're not gonna climb buildings!"

"Well how would you know that Mister? Hmp!"

Namjoon sighed once again.

"Will you two shut up? I'm trying to track the damn phone." Namjoon muttered, Hoseok grumbled some incoherent words while Taehyung went close to Namjoon.

They were still in the middle of am empty road, weirdly, no cars has passed for the past hour.

"Finding location..." Namjoon muttered, a few quiet minutes later, Namjoon spoke up.

"Found it." Namjoon said, he gave Taehyung the laptop and puts his seatbelt on.

"Guide me. And please don't mistake your left from your right, we might take a wrong turn." Namjoon said, Taehyung hummed a 'yes' before Namjoon started to drive.
"Why?" Taehyung asked as he tall building was in his sight, a fucking hotel.

Namjoon took a deeo breath before ushering the younger ones to follow him.

"Hoseok, did you do what I told you?" Namjoon asked, Hoseok nodded. Namjoon turned to Taehyung.

"Don't take it out just yet Tae, patience. She might get an advantage to hurt you if you go head first." Namjoon instructed Taehyung, who pouted before agreeing.

The three followed where the red dot was blinking (Namjoon transferred the tracker to his phone."

"It's here." Namjoon mumbled,he looked at the two before nodding, he pushed the door open slowly before seeing a staircase going down.

"Why is there a basement on a damn hotel? Are the Kang family  basement obsessed or what?" Hoseok whispered, Taehyung and Namjoon looked at him before shaking their heads and mumbling an 'oh my gosh'

Namjoon went down first before signaling the two to follow, he took slow steps before reaching the end of the stairs. The basement was dark, but a dim light was in the center of the room. And there in the center,

Was Park Jimin and Min Yoongi tied up.

Both were beatened up bad, Yoongi has bruises on his face and  blood on his forehead, his eyes were swollen and red, the left one had a black eye.

As for the other one,Jimin didn't have it any better, his head wad bleeding, it spreaded on his face, his whole body was covered in bruises, his neck...a line crosses from his left to his right,his left eye also has a black eye.

"Oh my god,jimin, yoongi!" Taehyung cried, he ran to the two who were unconscious. A groan then echoed through the room.

"Jungkook!?" Namjoon whisper shouted as he turned to the source of the sound.

Jungkook was lying on the floor, blood was running down his head too.

"That's lots of blood right there." Hoseok muttered,

"Hoseok!" Both Namjoon and Taehyung hissed. The latter untied Jimin and Yoongi, while Namjoon carried Jungkook. Hoseok helped Taehyung carry Jimin.

"Leaving so soon?" A voice cooed, the three men who were consciouse whipped their head to the source of the sound.


"It's Soojung." The woman said, rolling her eyes.

"No, you're not my Soojung. Soojung is nice, sweet and caring-"

"That's where you are wrong. That's Soojin." The woman, who claimed herself to be Soojung, rolled her twin sister's name as if it's poisonous.

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