Chapter 30 [END]

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The sunlight passed through the windows, the place filled with chemical smell. Three men were in hospital beds.

"When will they wake up?" Hoseok asked, Taehyung looked him without any emotion and shrugged.

Taehyung was truly traumatized, from having his 'lover' gone, his bestfriend kidnapped,only to be found on a chair, tied up and ready for death, His oldest hyung, stabbed, and still fighting for months, and now, knowing that his girlfriend for 2 years had a twin and is a psycho for him
It was nothing in the other people's eyes, but it was something in his.

While Hoseok and Taehyung were in the hospital room of Yoongi, Jimin and Jungkook. Namjoon was on the other room, taking care of Seokjin.

A sound of a knock resonated throughout the room,and was opened by a nurse.

"Sir? There's police waiting for you outside." The nurse said, Namjoon stood up, looking at Seokjin who was sleeping peacefully before walking out of the hospital room.

Namjoon walked through the hallways of the hospital. And soon, the view of the reception came to his eyes.

"Sir Kim." One of the police said, his out stuck out to shake hands with Namjoon who took it.

"What is it officer? Any problem" Namjoon asked,

"We thought that the case is closed but we found this on Soojung's phone." The officer said, as he handed out a phone, the screen was cracked but it still worked.



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"We didn't know when it was sent

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"We didn't know when it was sent. But we could say it's recently since Ms.Kang was arrested last week." The officer said, Namjoon nodded as he handed back the phone to the officer.

"Do you have any clue who would it be?" The officer asked,Namjoon shook his head no.

"I would still like you to investigate this one though. And report to me if you have any trace." Namjoon said, the offocer nodded,

"Ah, Sir Kim, I would like to apologize also for accusing your friend as one of the suspects from the death of Kang Soojin. He's out of the list, and is now marked as found." The officer said, Namjoon nodded and said his thanks as the officer walked away.

Namjoon sighed as he sat down by the chairs.

With words in his thoughts, saying.

"I hope everything will turn out to be okay."

The End.

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