Chapter 18

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*Torture scene*
*It's not THAT detailed*

Yoongi's eyes fluttered open as he groan in pain. His neck and his wrists hurting.

He was about to move when he realizes his mouth was covered with a cloth and that both his wrists and ankles were tied together by a rope.

Yoongi tsked a word 'typical' before trying to let loose the rope around both his wrists and ankles.

"Stop right there."

Yoongi stopped, but his fingers didn't stop fiddling from untying the rope.

Yoongi looked towards the source of the voice. His eyes widened in astonishment as he saw someone he never thought would do this.

His fingers stopped fiddling. shock running down his body.

"Mhmmmm!" Yoongi screamed, his mouth shut as he remember that his mouth was covered. He moved his body, trying to get out from the ropes that were tied around him.

The person chuckled,

"Let me guess, What you're going to say is trusted me, and treated me like a sibling, yet I betray you like this?" The unknown person said, Yoongi stopped moving.

The unknown person went near Yoongi before pulling off the cloth from his mouth harshly. As it was pulled, Yoongi groaned in pain before recovering and glaring at whoever it was.

"Why would you do this!? We trusted you!" Yoongi screamed, his throat hurting as if he didnt drink for days and that shouting made it worst.

"Why did I do this? Oh Yoongi~ This is what love does to you" The person said, winking as it walked around Yoongi.

Yoongi laughed crazily as his head followed the every move of the unknown person.

"Love!? You chose love over our friendship!? S-"

"Don't you ever say that name...That person who you Dead!" The unknown person shouted, as it punched Yoongi in the face.

The unknown person continued on punching Yoongi. Until Yoongi's nose started to bleed, his eyes were swollen,he could barely see. His mouth filled with red as it runs down his chin like a waterfall.

Yoongi groaned in pain again.
'fuck! i think my nose is broken!' Yoongi thought.

"What did we ever do to you!?"

" took his attention all the time. All of you liked her and were ignorant when it comes to me!" It screamed as it lands another punch in Yoongi's stomach. Soon, the unknown person took out a knife.

"We didn't ignore you-"

"YES! YOU DID!" K screamed, K circled around Yoongi once again. K bended down in front of the small man.

"You have nothing to say now? Confused on what I'm talking about?" K chuckled as it trailed the knife from Yoongi's stomach to his bloody chin.

"Awwww, Yoongi, does red look good on white?" K laughed as it pressed the blade on Yoongi's chin until it bled. The latter scrunched his face in pain but tears never came out from his eyes.

He was going to die.

He knew it himself.

But He still needs to try.

"Wh-what do I have to do for my life to be s-spared?" Yoongi asked, K looked at him with amusement.

"Nothing." was K's answer before plunging the knife to Min Yoongi's stomach.


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