Will you help us?

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Before we start:
"Black speech"
"Dragon speech"
Gandalf's POV

It's been so long since I've been here, Dracagoth. A mountain kingdom just outside of middle earth.

The search for the 15th member of the company was tough

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The search for the 15th member of the company was tough. But I believe I have made an excellent choice.

She's strong, a warrior, intelligent and a worthy part to our quest.

I rode up to the main castle, where I was stopped by a guard dressed in an armour that look like it was made out of scales.

'Dragon scale fused armour'

"Holt, who are you and what is your purpose here!"

He spoke with such authority as if he was a king or prince in a kingdom of man.

"My name is Gandalf the grey and I am here to see the Dragoness"
He looked me over before allowing me to pass.

"Follow the sounds of music" he said before turning back to his post

Dismounting my ride, I walked into the grand castle.

The distant sound of a violin was all I could hear.

Following it up the stairs, I could hear it more clearly, and it was beautiful.

(^^^ Play)

I got to a grand cherry red door. Pushing it open, I saw (Y/n) playing a black elegant violin playing the song of battle.

Her eyes were closed and her eyebrows furrowed in thought.

It is a memory tune, most likely of the one where she became free from her creator.

Once she had finished, she sighed.

(Y/n)'s POV

Long have my thoughts drifted to Sauron. I can feel him, in my mind. He's weak, but getting stronger.

Opening my eyes I was gifted the sight of Gandalf the Grey.

"Sauron poisons my dreams of late" I told him, he and I have been good friends for as long as I could remember.

He always saw the good in me.

"Well, he's not coming back, (Y/n), you need not worry about him"

I scoffed and placed my violin down on the wooden desk.

Turning back to Mithrandir, I crossed my arms, sensing his reason as to why to come here.

"Can I help you? You wouldn't have come all this way to see a friend" I smiled.

He fiddled with his staff before looking me in the eye.

"I have a proposition, an invitation to a quest" this caught my attention.

It's been 400 years since I've seen battle.

"A quest? What quest?"

Gandalf handed me a map.

"The lonely mountain..." I read out loud.

"You know of the tragedy of Erebor, do you not?" He questioned, to which I raised an eyebrow.

"Of course, the dragon Smaug made it his horde cave, what do you need me for, to fight him?"

Gandalf chuckled.

"No my dear friend, I wish for you to help a company of dwarves to reclaim their homeland" I cringed at the word dwarves.

"I don't know if you know Mithrandir, but dwarves do not like either side to me, outside and in" I glared, he knew that I am hated by dwarves.

"I am well aware, but I believe they will over look it if you are willing to help" he started to make his way to the door.

"If you agree, we are meeting at Bilbo Baggins', the shire tomorrow night, think you can make it there by then" I nodded and waved him off.

Once he had left, I let out a loud sigh, running a hand through my (h/l) (h/c) hair. {hair length and hair colour}

"What should I do?"

A/N: this is a start to a new series of books, going through all the films.

It is a Legolas x Reader fanfic, though this is the first hobbit so no Legolas yet 😪.

It will also be an eventual platonic Pippin x reader!

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