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Lin's POV

I felt bad knocking on her door at six in the morning but this was all definitely last minute. I kept looking back and forth from my door to hers.

"Come on, come on..." I mumbled to myself. The door clicked open to reveal a very sleepy Phillipa. "Hey sorry! Did I wake you up?" I frowned.

"Just a bit... What's up?" She asked while tightening her robe. I couldn't help but smile a bit since she looked so cute...

"Um, I just got a call for me to go down to D.C. For a couple days... Do you think you can watch Tobi for me?" I frowned.

"Sure. When?" She asked.

"Now..." I laughed.

"Totally. Here Tobi." She smiled while patting her leg. Tobi came flying from my apartment and straight into Phillipa's. I smiled when I saw her making herself comfortable on her couch already.

"Thank you so much. You have my key, you're welcome anytime to anything in my house for her. I'll pay you when I get back!" I said while running back into my apartment to pack.

Phillipa was a wonderful neighbor. I enjoyed her company, and I hoped she enjoyed mine. She was gorgeous too. I wondered how I got so lucky to have her as my neighbor. She didn't really talk much either. She was quiet, and hardly ever home half the time.

We met when I had gotten Tobi as a puppy. She was running up and down the halls chasing a ball. Since I didn't live close enough to a park for her to have fun, it was the closest thing I could do. Phillipa had just gotten off the elevator when Tobi came dashing at her, completely ignoring the ball. Phillipa looked like she was having a terrible day, and I felt bad. But it all melted away when she smiled at Tobi.

"Hey there..." She laughed. "Who do you belong to?" She asked her.

"Sorry, she's usually better behaved." I said while picking her up.

"It's fine. She's cute. What's her name?" She asked while petting Tobi's head.

"Tobillio. But I call her Tobi for short." I smiled.

"Cute name." She smiled while Tobi licked her fingers. "Gosh, I smell like food. She must think I'm food." She laughed. I walked with her back down the hall to my apartment and saw that she lived right across from me..

"Hey, um, you're good with animals right?" I asked her. She turned around and shrugged.

"I mean, I'm not going to hurt them no." She laughed. "I like animals if that's what you're asking."

"Well, sometimes I travel for work, and I'd hate to put her in a kennel... Would you be open to watching her?" I asked.

"Of course." She said while opening her door. I watched her walk and in and shut the door behind her. I already had an insanely huge crush on her.

I sat on the train thinking of how Tobi was doing. She was probably going insane missing me. We did everything together. I bet she was driving Phillipa up the wall whining for me...

Pippa's POV

"I'm just saying, he's not the one I would've gone with." I said to Tobi while giving her another spoonful of vanilla ice cream. We sat together on my floor watching tv and eating ice cream for breakfast. "He just looks off to me." I frowned. Tobi whined and put her paw on my leg. "It's not my fault that your favorite character was killed off! She was the one who decided to walk off into the lake area at night." I groaned. Tobi barked at me and I laughed.

Here I was sitting on the floor with a dog on my day off. I'll admit she was great company. No matter what anyone said.

"So what's the deal with your dad huh? He just up and leaves like that?" I asked. She whined and laid down next to me. "I know... You miss him." I said while placing another spoonful of ice cream on her little plate. We continued watching our shows together and I realized I spent half my morning watching gory tv shows instead of socializing with the outside world.

After I changed Tobi and I walked over to Lin's apartment to get her leash set. Might as well walk off the ice cream with a walk.

"Lets go on walkies!" I said in a higher pitched voice. Tobi jumped up and barked at me while doing a little dance. I laughed at her happiness. Oh to be a dog. It would be nice.

I had no idea where we were walking to but hey she was enjoying it. She would turn her head around to look at me every so often, which caused me to smile. I didn't care if Lin paid me for this or not. I just loved spending time with his dog. It gave me hope for happiness.

"Pip?" I heard someone call. I stopped walking and looked around. "Over here! I didn't know you had a dog!" I finally found who was talking to me and smiled.

"Jasmine! How nice to see you again. And no, she's my neighbor's dog." I laughed while walking over towards her.

"Aw. I was about to say what a cutie she is." Jasmine said while petting Tobi's head. "I thought you fell off the face of the earth woman! Where have you been?"

"Working... Ever since I graduated I kinda never got anything so I've been working just to pay my bills. I barely have enough for rent let alone food. So I have to rely on the fact that my neighbor abandons his dog and pays me to watch her." I explained. "He pays nice though.."

"What if I moved in with you...?" She smiled. "I've been on the hunt for an apartment since I left my ex.. You know me... Trust me..." She hinted.

"I don't know... Last roommate I had really scarred me..." I frowned.

"I'm not some moron! Come on please Pip..." She pouted. I looked down at Tobi and she just sat there looking between both of us.

"Fine. It'll be nice to have company that can talk back." I laughed. Jasmine squealed and hugged me. Having a roommate was going to be nice, but I didn't know how any of this was going to go... Jasmine was a nice girl, but how was she living wise? Was I going to enjoy living with her?

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