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Lin's POV

I walked down the hall of the apartment building and sighed in relief. I was happy to be home finally. I looked up down the hall and saw my apartment door wide open... Phillipa's was wide open as well... I saw Tobi running back and forth from apartment to apartment and I saw who I assumed to be Jasmine running into my apartment... I wondered what they were doing in there... When I got to my apartment I saw them hanging up a little banner in the living room.

"What goes on here?" I laughed.

"You're here!" Phillipa jumped at the sound of my voice and Jasmine laughed at her. "Welcome back!" She exclaimed while hugging me. I decided to accept the hug since it was the first time I had actually touched her. She smelled so nice...

"We decided to decorate a bit." Jasmine smiled while handing me a little party hat.

"Yup. Tobi has one too." Phillipa said while putting a hat on Tobi. I smiled at my pup then back at them.

"You guys are too nice." I laughed.

"Anything for our favorite neighbor." Jasmine smiled. The two stayed for a bit, each of us talking of the past few days. Tobi was asleep next to me, curled up in a tight little ball. It was nice finally getting to know my neighbors. "I should get going. My shift at the theatre starts soon." Jasmine frowned.

"Which theatre?" I asked her.

"Just a normal movie theatre." She shrugged. "It's nothing too special. I just clean up after people." She said while walking out of the apartment. "It was nice meeting you Lin!" She called out.

"Nice meeting you too!!" I yelled.

"I should get going too. I need to get ready for the dinner shift tonight." Phillipa frowned while looking at her phone.

"Why do you work there if you hate it so much?" I asked her. She shrugged and looked up at me. "Well?"

"It pays." She said while getting up and walking out. "See ya later Lin." She mumbled. I frowned when I heard the door shut behind her. I wished she had stayed longer to talk... Maybe she felt vulnerable after telling me those things the other night...


Tobi and I were hanging out in the hall again, our usual thing now that she loved it. I threw her ball so far down the hall and she would run for it. I heard loud talking coming from some apartments but shrugged it off. Probably someone's tv too loud.

"No!!! I can't say that!" I heard someone yell from Phillipa's apartment. It sounded like Jasmine.

"Say it or the pillow gets it." Phillipa cackled. Now I was curious as to what was going on in her apartment.

"Dammit Pippa!" Jasmine yelled. Pippa? She had a nickname? "Fine! I'll admit that it's a stupid pillow! But it's so comfortable!" I heard her cry. "Ow! Now that was uncalled for!" I assumed Pippa threw the pillow at her. Pippa... That sounded so much sweeter from the mind.

"Pippa." I whispered to myself. It did sound better coming out of my mouth too. It was nearing midnight and these girls were wide awake and fighting over a pillow... I wonder what made them have an argument about a pillow... I heard music begin to come from their apartment and laughed. These girls changed so much in the span of seconds.

"Get it girl!" Jasmine yelled.

"I can't do that one thing though." Pippa whined.

"It's all in the hips." She laughed. I felt bad for listening to their conversation, but hey they were being loud about it. "Now just imagine Lin right there and bam!"

"Jasmine! I! No!" Pippa stuttered.

"Face it girl you're in love!" Jasmine sang. "You're in love!" She sang the ending notes to that song in Hercules... Now I felt myself getting flustered.... I wanted to know what they were doing now... I decided to put Tobi in the apartment and maybe tell them to be a bit quieter. I knocked on the door and waited.

"I swear if it's the manager you're leaving!" I heard Pippa laugh. The door opened a bit to reveal a smiling Pippa. "Oh hey! We were being too loud huh..." She blushed.

"A bit... I thought I'd tell you before the manager found out." I laughed at her.

"Thanks..." She smiled while shutting the door. I could see her cheeks were a bit pink, probably from blushing at what Jasmine shouted.

Pippa's POV

I was starting to fall for my neighbor... He was everything someone could want... Nice, caring, really smart...

"Are you watching him through the peep hole?" Jasmine whispered. I jumped and stopped looking through the little peep hole. "You are!!" She gasped.

"Oh hush... I just... He's...." I didn't know what to say...

"You're falling for him too quickly Pip. Remember who he is. Then back up. You don't want something that won't last." She frowned. "And trust me. It hurts a lot when it ends..." She sighed and pulled me away from the door. She was right. I couldn't fall for a man who was constantly trying to impress the next guy with their lyrics or something... I needed to find a stable man who is going to treat me right.

But he was dreamy.... Not like I couldn't watch him or be friendly with him for a while... Right?

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