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"Lin? Are you awake yet buddy?" I opened my eyes and saw Tommy and Lac standing next to me. I was laying in a hospital bed connected to so many machines...

"Oh thank god he's up finally." Lac signed in relief.

"How did I get here?" I frowned. "Where am I?" I asked. "Where is Pippa? Our kids?!" I frowned.

"Who?" Tommy asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Lin do you know what year it is?" Lac asked. I shook my head and looked around for any kind of sign... The date was written on the nurse board across the room...

May 25, 2013

I frowned and looked at them both. I had dreamed of everything...

"How long have I been out?!" I yelled.

"You've been in a medically induced coma for three weeks. You were driving back from DC and hydroplaned into like a bunch of other cars. You had so much brain trauma that they had to put you under." Tommy frowned.

"Your neighbor has been taking care of your dog by the way. I think her name is Phillipa?" Lac frowned while looking at Tommy. Tommy nodded and I was relieved. At least I didn't dream her.... "She asked me to call her when he woke up so she can tell Tobi. Tommy do you have her number?" He asked. Tommy of course nodded again and handed over his phone. I watched him leave with the phone, quickly putting it up to his ear.

I had dreamt it all....

"Well, you're awake, and that's all that matters." Tommy smiled.

No that wasn't all that mattered. I had dreamt up everything?! It felt so real.. Everything felt so real... I dreamt of her, having my kids, marrying her, loving her... Everything...


I lied awake in my bed for the next few days, I slept occasionally, but not for long. My dreams were nonexistent, and my mind was scattered... How could I have those dreams? They were so vivid...

"Knock, knock?" I heard someone's voice and someone knocking on my door. I looked up and saw her... "Um... If this is a bad time I can come back later..." Pippa frowned.

"It's fine. It's fine. Come in." I said while attempting to find the remote that moved the bed. I felt around on the bed, found the stupid thing and clicked the button to sit me up.

"Um, I have no clue if you remember me, but I have Tobi... I'm your neighbor.." She said awkwardly.

"Phillipa. But you'd rather be called Pippa." I smiled. "Right?" I asked.

"Right." She smiled while sitting next to my bed. She pulled out her phone and showed me pictures of Tobi. Oh how I missed my dog. "She's been a great dog. Completely misses you though. I promise she's been in good hands." She explained.

"I know. Thank you so much. I wasn't expecting this to happen..." I frowned.

"It's fine. I was just really hoping you would pull through... But when I realizing you weren't coming home... I really expected the worst... When your friends came by looking for Tobi, I told them I had her and I regularly petsat for you....." She rambled. "I'm sorry. I should shut up." She laughed nervously. She was wringing her hands and looked away from me.

"It's fine. You have a beautiful voice." I smiled. She glanced up at me, her cheeks began to change to red while she looked at me. "I know this may sound so weird... But when I'm fully recovered... Would you like to go on a date with me?" I asked her.

"I would love that actually." She smiled.

****Thank you all for reading this wonderful book!! I love you all and I hope you all have a wonderful time with the rest of my books I have published. Go ahead and stalk my page for any upcoming books *hint hint wink wink* but again thank you! Thank you!!!!! This is the ending of this book and I hope you enjoyed it!!****

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