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March 2015

Pippa's POV

I sat on my bed scrolling through Instagram aimlessly while Jasmine was frantic to get ready. Tommy had restricted me to only doing a few shows a night and never touching two show days. Of course, I would show up to hang out with the girls and Lin. I was the little food hoarder anyway.

"What time are you showing up?" Jasmine asked while throwing her things into a bag.

"About five. I'll have food for the whole cast so make sure I have help." I said while getting up.

"Of course. See you later Pips!" She yelled while running out of the apartment. I groaned and watch Nala jump up next to me.

"Guess it's just you and me for a bit huh puppy puppy!" I said while picking her up.

After a few hours of watching tv, and playing with Nala I started cooking food for the cast. Lin would text me every so often, when he could, but the girls, mainly Jasmine, would send me texts.

Everyone chipped in for me to bring dinner to them whenever I wasn't performing. It was great to think that I was turning into the theatre mom of them all. I smiled at the thoughts and turned off the stove. It may have been a small-ish cast, but they ate like animals. I started packing everything up and placing it into the bag I used to transport food for them.


I called a cab to take me there since I wasn't risking taking the subway. When I arrived, Daveed and Leslie were standing out of the theatre pushing each other.

"Come on guys." I laughed. Each of them grabbed a bag and walked in. I paid my driver and thanked him. It was the least I could do. When I walked in, everyone cheered and I got hugs from everyone.

"Pippa is the best." Chris said while hugging me.

"Aw, thanks guys." I smiled.

"What did you make?" Andrew asked.

"Um... Stir fry with rice." I shrugged. "Not too heavy but filling." I smiled. Everyone cheered and dug into the food. Lin hugged me and kissed my head.

"I missed you." He smiled.

"I missed you too." I said while wrapping my arms around him. They had finished one show, the matinee, and had about an hour to kill before the next show. Lin was sitting with me on his lap while he ate. Everyone was quiet, which was shocking because usually they were yelling about something to one another.

"I'm gonna say it. Pippa, were gonna miss you bringing dinner." Daveed spoke. Everyone agreed and I smiled. "We miss you performing with us too, but you know, this food is hella good." He laughed.

"Thank you." I said while resting my head on Lin's shoulder. He had finished his food already and had his free arm around me. His hand was resting on my thigh, holding me in place. I was going to miss this. It wasn't going to be long until I would get so swelled up that I couldn't sit on his lap anymore.

"What are you thinking about?" He whispered.

"Thinking about when I'm gonna tell my parents about this... My dad is gonna flip... My mom will just be happy she finally has a grandkid." I sighed. Lin frowned and rubbed my arm.

"We'll tell them together. So far my parents know and they've come to terms with it." He smiled.

"Thank you." I smiled.

"Guys? We have like--oh.. Food!" Lac smiled. Everyone laughed at his quick flip to food and he smiled. "We have fifteen minutes until show time!" He announced. Everyone fled from the area and ran to get ready. "They really have twenty but hey, what's the rush?" He laughed while getting himself a little plate.

"You evil person." I smirked. Lin kissed my head while laughing, then left to finish getting ready.

"Did you make this?" Lac asked while taking a bite of food.

"Yeah, sorry it's not really hot anymore. The cast really tore it to pieces..." I frowned.

"You know, it still tastes good. Did you get any?" He asked.

"I did when I was at home making it." I smiled. He nodded and continued eating. "How's Lin doing?" I frowned. "You know, with the whole new schedule we had to make.." I fiddled with the sleeves on my sweater while waiting for an answer.

"He seems to be adjusting fine. Things are definitely going to be touch and go for a while. But, in the end it'll be worth it." He smiled. I nodded and hoped Lin wouldn't stress so much.. "Well, Pippa you out did yourself once again." He said while hugging me. "I'm going to go get ready now." He smiled. "Thank you."

"You're welcome!" I smiled back. I didn't want to ever lose these people as my family. They were amazing. I cleaned up the mess everyone made and threw everything back in their bags. So much easier to clean up than put everything in there first. I felt someone put their hands around me from behind and I jumped.

"Chill, it's just me." Lin laughed. I turned around and hit his chest playfully. "I just wanted to say thank you for dinner."

"You're welcome." I smiled. He leaned in and pressed his lips against mine. I smiled in the kiss and pulled away. "Break a leg tonight." I laughed.

"Um, why do you keep saying that. You know I get shot!" He scoffed. I rolled my eyes at him and planted a kiss on his nose. "I love you."

"I love you too." The first I love you... Oh how amazing it was to hear that.... He knelt down in front of my stomach and kissed it too.

"I love you too you little baby!" He cooed. I laughed and bit my lip. He was cute.... "I should go. Don't want to be late." He kissed me quickly and ran. I walked up to side stage to watch with the stage hands. How lucky was I to be here? Pretty damn lucky.

****You guys are so amazing and I love you all so much!!!! If you ever wanna talk just shoot me a message and I'll talk to you about whatever! Don't be afraid! I don't bite that hard!****

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