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*A Year And Some Months Later...*

Lin's POV

I had decided to stay here in Europe longer, Pippa, Max and our new daughter, Marie, coming to visit with me to travel together.

"Come to daddy!" I laughed while taking our new baby out of her stroller. Max walked passed me to go right to his toys. I groaned at his fascination with toys but at least he was here. "How was the flight?" I asked Pip while quickly pecking her lips.

"Good. Marie was asleep the whole time, Max colored in his books too." Pip yawned.

"Go take a nap. I got this." I smiled. I was used to Europe time by now. Pip not so much. Max looked tired, but at least Marie and I got to spend more time together. I had flown down just for Pip's birthday, but we ended up at the hospital having Marie instead. Then celebrating her birthday.

"Daddy, we play blocks?" Max asked while holding up his building blocks.

"Not right now Kiddo. I'm watching your sister." I whispered. He groaned and stated stacking his blocks up. I laughed at how much he acted like me sometimes. I also couldn't help but think back at the time Pip and I babysat kids around this age.. I was going to have to ask her how that lady was doing... I'm sure she had stories to tell.

"Daddy, why Marie little?" Max frowned.

"Because she's a baby." I said while bouncing her lightly. She let out a little smile at me and I could feel my heart melting. This little girl wasn't going to be let out of my sight at all while she's here.

"Why?" Max asked. I shook my head and set Marie down for me to change her.

"You were a baby too you know." I smiled. "You still are but Marie is younger than you." I said quietly.

"I know!" He smiled. "Mommy say I big brother." He giggled.

"You are! Now can you bring me Marie's bag?" I asked him. He gave me one nod and ran to get her bag. I was liking this. It was reminding me of Max at this age and how everything was for us. Of course I couldn't help out as much as I did back then but at least I tried when they were here.

After a few hours of Pip catching up on some well needed sleep, Max was passed out on the couch and Marie was sitting in her bouncer asleep as well. I smiled at the scene in front of me and saw Pip walk out of the bedroom looking really confused.

"I got them both asleep at the same time!" I whispered.

"How?" She asked.

"Max wanted to play outside so I took them on a walk. Marie was in her stroller and Max walked right next to me. It was really great by the way." I explained. Pip nodded and walked over to sit with me.

"Thank you for letting me sleep." She said while curling up in my lap.

"You're welcome." I smiled. "I don't mind watching our kids." I smirked. She laughed a little then looked up at me. "What?" I asked her.

"We still need to plan for the wedding..." she sighed. I knew she wasn't really wanting to now since she was here for vacation, but we were going to have to get married soon...

"I'll agree on New York." I finally said. "But can real planning wait until we get back there?" I asked.

"Yes. Yes it can." She smiled. After a while, both of our kids woke up and Pippa took Marie in the other room to change her and feed her. Max and I hung out in the living room while he did little crafts. I had gone to the bathroom for a minute and came back to see Max holding scissors at the table.

"NO!" I took them from his hands carefully and checked his hands for any cuts. I checked everywhere and didn't see any blood or any hair chopped off. "No scissors! You could've hurt yourself! Scissors bad!" I scolded. He started crying, knowing he did something bad. Pip walked out of the bedroom completely confused as to why Max was crying already.

"What's going on?" She asked while setting Marie back in her bouncer.

"He had scissors!" I pointed. Pippa frowned and walked over to Max. "I already checked him. He's good."

"I taught him how to use scissors already. He knows how to use them and that they can be bad. Right Maxy?" She cooed. He nodded while wiping his eyes and looked at me.

"What?" I frowned.

"Yeah. He was watching me cut out some coupons a few months ago and asked me if he could learn to use them. Now he cuts out his little drawings and tapes them to the fridge. Of course he has to be supervised." She said while cleaning his nose.

"Well he got them when I was in the bathroom.." I sighed.

"See, all better." She smiled. "Now, you know you can't use scissors unless someone is watching you. No more okay?" She pointed.

"Okay." He sighed. I was shocked at the fact that my kid was already picking up on so many things already...

"Now apologize to daddy for scaring him." She said while pointing at me.

"I sorry." Max frowned. I got down next to him and gave him a hug.

"It's okay." I smiled.

"We play blocks?" He asked me. I, of course, said yes this time.

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