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May 2016

Pippa's POV

It was coming. Two more months of this and we were going to be finished with the show... I didn't want to end it... A few of us were leaving soon anyway... Ensemble mostly... Lin and I were the only major ones to announce it so far... People would tag us in social media asking us to stay but we had other priorities. I was going to be traveling with Lin soon while he did a few things with Disney and then we were going to play it all by ear then. 

"Pippa, have you seen Max's shoe?" Lin asked while holding Max. He had his socks on and only one shoe... Of course Lin would put one on then look for the other one. "I can't find it anywhere." He frowned. 

"Did you check under his crib? He likes throwing them." I said while setting up his bottles. Lin walked back to the nursery and I rolled my eyes. Sometimes I think that he doesn't try to look. I feel like he looks around then has me do it for him... 

"Found it!" He called. I smiled and thought about having more kids with him... Not now of course... But later on.. "Alright, now he's all ready to go. Now we need to get ready or else we'll be late." He said while handing me Max. 

"How long until the interview?" I asked. 

"About two hours." He shrugged. 

"That'll give him enough time to ruin everything." I laughed. 


We finished getting ready with at least thirty minutes to get to the theatre. A lot of people in the cast were getting interviewed for some magazine articles thank goodness. Even more photos were going to be taken of us. I was excited and very happy when we got to the theatre. 

"Look at how big he's getting!" Chris smiled when we arrived. "Your parents really aren't holding back when they feed you." He laughed while playing with his cheeks. 

"Give me my godchild!" Jasmine yelled while running to us. I unbuckled him and heard him blowing bubbles again. "Look at this face! Look at him!" She said while pinching his cheeks lightly. "I can't wait until his first birthday. It's coming up soon. Do you guys have anything planned?" She asked while taking him from my arms. 

"I don't know... Probably something with only family for now... We'll be so busy.." I groaned thinking of the traveling we're going to be doing with him once we finished the show. It was going to be so hard to do with him... Babies and traveling never mixed... 

"Is that the famous little love child of Mr. Miranda and Ms. Soo?" I looked up and saw one of the interviewers smiling at us. He looked a little on the terrible side... Most likely going to kill us with his words. 

"Maybe." Lin spoke sternly. The interviewer looked like he had seen a glimpse of a ghost. Guess Lin not being so bubbly and happy was shocking to everyone who didn't know him. Sure Lin could be bubbly and happy, but if anyone threatened his presence with just a look, it went away quickly... 

"Well, he's a very lovely little boy. Reminds me of my kid." He smiled. I gave a little smile, but still didn't trust him all the way.. "Shall we get on with this interview with you two first?" He asked. 

"I'll watch him for you guys." Jasmine whispered. 

"Thank you." I said while placing my hand on Max's cheek. Lin and I walked hand in hand to the little area side stage. I was beginning to be nervous since I hadn't done a lot of interviews... Lin gave my hand little squeeze while rubbing his thumb on my hand. I felt a little better from it... Not much, but enough. 

"Alright." The man started while sitting down. He set up everything he needed and I didn't want to be here anymore.. At least he was interviewing Lin and I together instead of one on one.. "How are you guys today?" He smiled. 

"Tired, but good." Lin answered. 

"Good." I smiled. 

"Good. Tired because of the show..?" He asked slowly. 

"Uh, that and our son. He's a bit of a night owl." I laughed a little. Lin smiled and nodded in agreement. The man asked us a few more questions, each more interesting than the last. Multiple dealing with the show, others dealing with our relationship, and the last ones were about Max. 

"How is it doing a show like this and have such a young kid?" He frowned. 

"Well, I do eight shows a week. Pippa works four maybe three depending on who's showing up that night." Lin answered. "But it's a little tough since he's so young and barely seeing me. Makes you feel little bad..." He frowned. I placed my hand on his knee and gave him a warm smile. He was the best father in the world. 

"It's definitely hard on us, but we make it work. Max loves his grandparents and we try our best to make sure he knows he's loved." I explained. The man wrote some things down and I smiled at Lin. 

"I think that sums it all up for you guys... Maybe we could get a photo of your little family?" He asked. 

"Not with Max. I don't want his face being shown... Not until he's old enough to have a say." Lin quickly stated. 

"I agree... We don't want his face being plastered everywhere..." I frowned. The interviewer didn't look happy with our decision, but it was our kid. Not his. 

"Alright. Well, let's get this done." He mumbled. Lin held my hand during the whole process which made me feel at least a little better... We would have to make sure that Max was well hidden for a while. No one needs to know what he looked like or if he looked more like me or Lin. It was bothersome to think that reporters would care so much about what he looked like... 

"God he was pushy..." I whispered while we walked over to Jasmine and Renee. 

"He was..." Lin frowned. 

"What is it? A game to get a picture of Max? The ultimate prize?" I frowned. He shrugged and took Max from Jasmine. "This is why we don't associate with anyone." I groaned. Jasmine frowned and opened her mouth to talk, but was called back for her turn. Renee knew exactly what we were going through since she already had kids. Why was every reporter like this? 

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